2 Conversations


You think you know enough about music to try our quiz do you??
Ok we have here 24 questions make a note of your answers and email them to me at
[email protected]

all answers to be in for midnight
Friday..DUE TO PROBLEMS WITH EMAILS THE DEADLINE FOR ANSWERS HAS BEEN MOVED TO 6PM SATURDAY 26th.. then i will reveal the answers and how well you did on Sunday..there are no prizes apart from the satisfaction of knowing who you beat..so without further ado here are the questions..

1/ SONG =

You said we`ve got nothing between us no common ground to start from and we`re drifting apart.


3/ YEAR =

4/ SONG =

Remember when we said girl please don`t go and how i`d be loving you forever taught you bout hangin tough as long as you got the right stuff.


6/ YEAR =

7/ SONG =

She`s into superstition black cats and voodoo dolls i feel a preminition that girls gonna make me fall.


9/ YEAR =

10/ SONG =

There goes my happiness again right back to where i should have been but now she`s gone and i am free cos she cant do a thing to me

11/ ARTIST =

12/ YEAR =

13/ SONG =

People try to take my soul away but i don`t hear the rap that they all play they try to tell us we don`t belong.

14/ ARTIST =

15/ YEAR =

16/ SONG =

We`re still together after all that we`ve been through they tried to tell you i was not the boy for you they didn`t like my hair the clothes i love to wear.

17/ ARTIST =

18/ YEAR =

19/ SONG =

Talking away i don`t know what i have to say I`ll say it anyway today is a nice day to find you i`ll shy away.

20/ ARTIST =

21/ YEAR =

22/ SONG =

How many times have i felt down inside the need to be loved by you i wanted to show you how good it could be if you would only show a little interest in me.

23/ ARTIST =

24/ YEAR =
So there you go We think we made have made them a bit too easy for you this week but be careful although all the artist were supposed to be male one of them is female!!!..have fun and remember ANSWERS BY EMAIL ONLY..BY SATURDAY 6PM..

So how did you do?? the 3 high scores are

3/ Seven sins 5/24

2/ Rainbows 8/24

1/ And this weeks winner (meal for one in tea shoppe) is...

Cutiechops 9/24

hope we get a better responce from this weeks quiz provided by Seven Sins (i have no answers to this quiz so am allowed to enter) see below for link..Once i have done the questions..

The answers to Interns previous quizes can be found..herePOP PICKERS PUZZLER (HOME PAGE) WEEK ONEWEEK TWOWEEK THREEWEEK FOUR WEEK SIX

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