
Post 21


Sorry meant to ask..are you sure it is the alternator that is the problem?? what is it doing or maybe i should say not doing???


Post 22

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

its not revvin up...the ex went scrapyard bout 2wks ago,got another altinator??...fitted it(tho he doesnt know wot hes doinsmiley - grr)
but it worked smiley - ok 4 2wks...
went 2start it sunday....wudnt worksmiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr

its really gettin on me smiley - titsmiley - tit ..
smiley - wah


Post 23


that doesn`t sound like alternator to me if it was alternator there would be no power being put back into your battery so you would keep getting flat battery etc..sounds more like the needle valve is sticking on the carburetta..funny i used to have a fiat uno at one time and the carb was the problem on that i could nip and have a look at it some time for you..i couldn`t guarantee i will be able to fix it but no harm in looking is there??


Post 24

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

superb...smiley - biggrin....
il let u know bout that 2moro..if thats smiley - cool wiv u
...il make u all the smiley - teasmiley - coffee& u want...smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Post 25


i may get the chance to get up there after tea tomorrow (friday)
are you on the phone or a mobile i can contact you on (send via email)and what i will do is ring you half an hour or so before i set of and you can meet me at the
pub i went to last time i was up near you..like i say i can only have a look if i can`t fix it i know a man who can he does charge but he is very reasonable £50 he would strip the car down and rebuild it..lol


Post 26


Hi EM the deadline has now passed for you to get your answers sent in for Pop Pickers Puzzler so unfortunately i haven`t recieved any answers of you therefore i cannot give you any score smiley - sorry
smiley - love...Marc


Post 27


Due to people having problems with emails i have deided to extend the deadline to 6pm tonight SATURDAY 26th
on [email protected]

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