A Conversation for Pop Pickers Puzzler (week 6)

Answers for the music quiz :0)

Post 1

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Well I'm afraid the answers have to be shown in here because The DandyHighwayman is not with us at present.
The answers are as follows...
1) The trouble with me
2) Barry White
3) 1976
4) 5,6,7,8
5) Steps
6) 1998
7) Downtown
8) Petula Clarke
9) 1964
10) Freed from desire
11) Gala
12) 1997
13) In the ghetto
14) Elvis Presley
15) 1969
16) If you were with me now
17) Kylie Minogue (with Keith Washington)
18) 1991
19) The boy is mine
20) Brandy and Monica
21) 1998
22) Mysterious Girl
23) Peter Andre
24) 1996

Well done to those who particpated...Oh wait should I say well done to the only person to participate! lol
smiley - discosmiley - discoMIDNIGHT ANGEL (CHELLE)smiley - discosmiley - disco
Well done you are the only enterant and the winner. A free meal awaits you in ye oLDe tea shoppe and by right you can make up the music quiz for this week smiley - biggrin

I forgot how much you scored...I'll find out later and tell you smiley - ok

Answers for the music quiz :0)

Post 2


Hi Sian darling glad to see you missed mesmiley - kisssmiley - love sorry to leave you in the lurch with the pop quiz and everything but you have done well.. i have just looked at the answers and being honest i would have got 15 out of the 24..I didnt know the kylie one and one of the others..I can do the next quiz if you like but it will only be next Friday i have them ready for..is that ok with you hun?? Missed you all loads..Marc

Answers for the music quiz :0)

Post 3

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

I had a gut instinct that it was you who posted smiley - biggrin.
Welcome back, missed you loads smiley - smiley.
Go ahead and do the quiz, I look forward to losing smiley - laugh

smiley - hug

smiley - chick

Answers for the music quiz :0)

Post 4


hey whats with the new user name ACE ??.. hope your looking forward to promotion when i get that t-shoppe sorted out.. first job i need to do is put locks on store cupboard and cellar doors..lol anyway still got loads of unpacking to do so if i can i will nip in for an hour tomorrow(later today).. goodnight
and sweetdreams smiley - love..the smiley - coolsmiley - thief

Answers for the music quiz :0)

Post 5

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Oh did I not say?! While you have been away I have became an ACE and am designing my own shrink clinic...so am officially Dr. Monhungar Von Gallegar! lol smiley - biggrin!
Make sure you don't lock all the cupboards when you affix them. Jinty and Rebs often hide themselves in various cupboards...don't ask smiley - smiley.
I don't need a promotion, all I want to do is help smiley - ok.

Nighty noos

smiley - chick

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