Created | Updated Sep 15, 2003
Ahhhh there you are thought we had lost you..sorry there hasn`t been a puzzler for the last couple of weeks but i have been busy in ye oLDe tea shoppe (ld tea shoppe 4) trying to keep some sort of order in there without much success..they are all mad we are now heading toward 7000 postings on the one thread may not seem a lot but it hasn`t been running all that long..
Anyway to this weeks puzzler i have decided that seeing as how you have had a couple of weeks rest to recharge your brain cells that i should give you a puzzler that will totaly obliterate them all..it is a tough one but i know you are up to it and will do me proud..don`t worry about getting them all right cos i doubt anyone will get more than half of them right..
The answers should be sent to
[email protected]
and all answers must be in for MIDNIGHT ON FRIDAY THE 5th OF SEPTEMBER..Oh by the way there is a link between all the questions and 2 points for finding the link..
Remember you can try as many times as you like within that time..keep an eye on the discusions about the puzzler cos during the week i will be giving out one or two clues and you may be able to pick up some clues from other players..
Right then here are the Questions
1/ SONG= Requiem
Never gonna get enough (times 4)
I love you ahahahaha (times 2)
I said 3 2 1 go you lit my heart and let the fire grow because i feel the need the burning fire that is garunteed to make you feel twice as high and light the magic in your angel eyes, cos you girl and me are guardian angels of our destiny and i love you.
2/ ARTIST= `L`ondon boys
3/ YEAR= 1988
4/ SONG= Cold cold christmas
According to the radio warmer weathers on the way the chances are we won`t be getting snow but even if the sun shines from now till christmas day as far as i`m concerned i know.
5/ ARTIST= `D`ana
6/ YEAR= 1975
7/ SONG= It`s a mystery
Somewhere in the distance hiden from the view, suspended in the atmosphere waiting to come through, sometimes it`s so far away, sometimes it`s very near, a sound being carried by the wind just loud enough to hear.
8/ ARTIST= `T`oyah
9/ YEAR= 1981
10/ SONG= (the diary of) Horace Wimp
Monday, late again today he`d be in trouble though he`d say he was sorry he`d have to hurry out to the bus, Tuesday, ------ was so sad he`d never had a girl that he could care for and if he was late once more he`d be out.
11/ ARTIST= `E`L.O.
12/ YEAR= 1979
13/ SONG= Suddenly
A lonely dream that i would find, a loving heart an open mind, see the real me and i hope that you would be the one, a chance to talk a chance to grow, i`ll take the risk let my feelings flow.
14/ ARTIST= `A`ngry Anderson
15/ YEAR= 1988
16/ SONG= Wig wam bam
Hiyawatha didn`t bother too much
about Mini Haw-Haw and her tender touch.. (do i need to put any more?)
17/ ARTIST= `S`weet
18/ YEAR= 1972
19/ SONG= No doubt about it
If someone tells you there`s no other form of life and you believe in that to, i`m gonna tell you about the other night, i swear that it`s true, a cloud of white, inhuman flying shapes i`ve never seen came into my veiw.
20/ ARTIST= `H`ot Chocolate
21/ YEAR= 1980
22/ SONG= Maid of Orleans
If Joan of Arc had a heart would she give it as a gift to such as me who longs to see how an angel aught to be.
23/ ARTIST= `O`M.D.
24/ YEAR= 1981
The next song is double points
25/ SONG= After the Goldrush(2 points)
Well I dreamed I saw the knights in armour come saying something about a queen, there was peasants singing and drummers drumming and the archers fled the trees, there was a fanfare blowing to the sun that was floating on the breeze, look at mother nature on the run in the 1970s.
26/ ARTIST= `P`relude
27/ YEAR= 1982
28/ SONG= Billy don`t be a hero
The marching band came down along main street, the soldier blues fell in behind, I looked across and there i saw billy waiting to go and join the line, and with her head upon his shoulder his young and lovely Fiance
29/ ARTIST= `P`aper Lace
30/ YEAR= 1974
31/ SONG= I`m still vending
You can never know what it`s like your blood like winter freezes just like ice and theres a cold and lonely light that shines from you and you`ll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use.
32/ ARTIST= `E`lton John
33/ YEAR= 1983
And the LINK (2points) all the initial letters of the artists spell out LD TEA SHOPPE ..