A Conversation for Ferrets

Zen and the Art of Ferrets

Post 1


Brilliant entry! I knew if I waited long enough it would happen; see my title!

I had a little beauty called Felix, amongst his adventures were:

Accompanying me to the bank to ask for a loan. I got it!

Enjoying supermarket shopping (on his harness, of course) I was only challenged once; I pointed out the sign said "no dogs" & did not mention ferrets.)

Travelling (with own passport) from UK to France, this involved overnight hotel stopovers; he was never any problem, but a certain amount of subterfuge was necessary at times!

--When being examined by the vet for the above trip; the vet said "Wow, what a smiley - cool animal but; er...where's his heart?" He was also surprised I could ask Felix to open his mouth & display his teeth without him destroying my finger!

Felix was obsessed with cucumber for some reason; if the fridge door was opened, woe betide you if his slice didn't appear! He ate just about anything except.....


And yes, there really is a site called


smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

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Zen and the Art of Ferrets

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