The Black Market

2 Conversations

As you walk along the corridor, it seems to have suddenly gotten darker and with a much seedier ambience. Shady dealers skulk in the shadows. Suspicious looking substances are smoked freely. This is the black market, where bounty hunters, mercenaries, pirates, villains, outlaws, etc. come to buy 'interesting' weapons and itmes that can not be found in conventional stores. Look around, haggling is encouraged, but your reputation may be hurt if you walk away empty handed. If you're lucky, that's all that'll be hurt. All weaopns and items except the caster can be enchanted for an extra 10% sale price. This place sells everything you can't get in decent stores; if you see something that you'd like but don't see here, let me know and I'll find it

Prices given are in Altairian dollars. $1 Altairian is equal to 2.5 Standard Galactic Credits, 4 Flainian Pobble Beads * ,0.1 Triganic Pus, 1.5 Wong, 300 Wulong, 1 mg cocaine, 1 minute of sex, 20 sea shells, €0.80, and 1/2 a Gold Piece.



Price: $3,000.

X2, where X is the number of the shell. Nos. 3, 11, and 14 are only available from the wizrads on the planet Tenrei.

Price: Multiply the numer of the shell by ten to get the price in Altairian Dollars.


Price: $500 (titanium), $650 (wood),

Ammo (sold in groups of 5): $50 (titanium), $65 (wood), $70 (poisoned), $85 (pre-enchanted)

.32 calibre automatic pistol

Price: $250

Ammo (sold in groups of 6): $25


Price: $700

Ammo: N/A


The disruptor's only function is to inflict pain. Price: $1,000

Ammo: N/A


1 shot stuns, two shots kill, three shots disintegrate. Price: $800

Ammo: N/A

Gou'uld staff weapon

One of the most lethal weapons in the galaxy. Price: $975

Ammo: N/A

Gou'uld hand device

Price: $1300

Ammo: N/A

Chozo weapons (do not require ammo)

Power beam (standard): $200

Wave beam (electrical): $400

Ice beam: $800

Plasma beam: $1,000

Missile Launcher

Price: $1,000

Ammo: standard - $20, Homing - $100, Heat-seeker - $150, Chozo - $125


Price: $50

Ammo (sold in groups of 7): $10

Kill-O-Zap Pistol

Price: $700

Ammo: N/A


Standard: $50 each

Fragmentation: $75 each

Baryon: $80 each

Photon: $75 each

Proton: $100 each

Stealth Weapons and Items

Personal Cloaking device: $2,000

Dagger: $100, +$40 for poison

3 Ninja Death Stars: $150, +$20 each for poison

Laser sword that will not be detected by a metal detector: $350

Garrotte: $100

Hand to Hand Weapons (+10% to make them flame)

Broadsword: $700

Battleaxe: $600

Gladius: $500

Shortsword: $350

Longsword: $560

Two Edged sword: $850

Scramasax: $700

Tulwar: $400

Ram Dao: $800

Sabre: $600

Rapier: $650

Kukri: $250

Mace: $600

Morningstar (aka Ball-and-Chain): $650

Spear: $870

Nunchaka: $500

Saif: $550

Scythe: $750

Quarterstaff: $1,000

Lightsabres: See lightsabre store


Universal translator: $1,200

Intergalactic Thumb: $10,000

Sub-etha Sens-O-Matic: $950

Scan Visor: $1,000

Thermal Visor: $1,200

X-ray Visor: $1,200

Standard Space Suit: $50

Combat Space Suit: $500

Towel: $1,000

Morph Ball

Price: $2,500 approx. Exact price varies, as the technology must be tailored for each individual organism.


Boost ball: $250

Bomb: $50 each

Power Bomb: $250 each

For the spaceship


Hyperspace: $5,000

Ziridium-alpha: $6,000

Infinite Improbablilty: $7,000

Bistromathic: $8,000

Sub-Ether: $9,000

Useful stuff

Grappler Arms: $6,000 each.

Heat Shields: $3,000

Cloaking Device: $3,000

Dovin Basal: $9,000 each.

Force Field :$6,000

Armour (per square centimetre)

Titanium: $50

Adamantium: $60

Gundanium: $75

Dragonite: $80

Naqueda: $70

Bombs (can be naqueda-tipped for an extra 10%)

Standard: $400 each

Nuclear: $500 each

Nova: $750 each

Missiles (each (can be naqueda-tipped for an extra 15%))

Dumb: $50

Homing: $75

Heat-seeking: $60

Image Recognition: $70

Mace (Nuclear): $80

Proton torpedo: $100

Leach: $90


Vulcan Cannon: $1,000

Reaper Cannon: $2,000

Quad Laser Cannon: $1,500

Gou'uld Blast Lance: $1,200

Volcano Cannon: $1,700

Plasma Cannon: $1,300

Flak Cannon: $1,600

Anti-matter Cannon: $2,300

Linked Organizations

The Tenlos Crime SyndicateThe Guild of Bounty Hunters

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