Birdlife Volunteer Guidelines

1 Conversation

John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage 2003-4


The BirdLife International Volunteer Crew

Leg 1 Mathew Swarbrick (UK)

Leg 2

Leg 3 Quentin Hanich (AU)

Leg 4 Carol Knutson (NZ)

Leg 5 Brent Stephenson (NZ)

Leg 6 Ben Sullivan (AU), Frances Taylor (SA)

Leg 7 Frances Taylor (SA), Mathew Swarbrick (UK)

Leg 8 Frances Taylor (SA), Mathew Swarbrick (UK)

Thank you for volunteering to assist us on the Save the Albatross Voyage. We look forward to your joining us.

You will need:

1. Clothing that will keep you warm and dry at sea in freezing conditions: thermal underwear, thick polartec-style mid-layer and a very stout waterproof outer layer.

2. We can supply deck boots (we need sizes), life-harness and buoyancy aid but your own is preferable.

3. If you wish to use a laptop for your personal use, you should bring your own, stored in a waterproof container such as a Pelican Box. If you wish to transfer data to the yacht’s laptop for transmission, you will need to be able to write to a 3.5” floppy disk.

4. If the port where you disembark is not your country of residence, you must be carrying a valid travel ticket to your country of residence.

5. We can accept no responsibility for your onward/return travel.

6. You must carry valid medical and personal effects insurance.

Conditions of Volunteer Participation
1. A cornerstone of the Save the Albatross Voyage 2003-4 is that it is independent and un-sponsored. Volunteers may not accept corporate sponsorship.

2. Still and moving pictures taken on the voyage must be made available free of charge, for unlimited use, to our campaign to save the albatross.

3. All food and accommodation will be supplied free of charge, while you are aboard the boat but no special dietary requirements can be catered for.

4. You will be expected to help work the boat and to carry out all cooking and cleaning tasks required.

5. You travel entirely at your own risk. We accept no responsibility for your health or safety.

Please Note
We are assembling a page of your bios and will put this up as soon as we have the details from all of you.

To help us make the utmost of this Voyage to Save the Albatross, we are also asking for your ideas for a Volunteer’s Action and Communication Syllabus for each Leg of the Voyage. We will shortly be putting up a page with some starter ideas for discussion

Please use the Discussion area at the bottom of this page for any questions relating to the voyage in general.

Thank you once again for Volunteering.

Into the mist…

John and Marie Christine Ridgway

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