A Conversation for Franklin W Dixon - Author
FW Dixon
Jak@wales Started conversation May 22, 2003
Great intro' to h2g2.
First day and first conversation.
Picked a subject almost at random and found myself on a nostalgia trip.
Came across ref' to The Happy Hollisters, a family I've not come across for some 35 years.
They were a part of my early reading in the 60's. Still remember wanting a station wagon instead of a Morris Thousand!
Look forward to more even more informative episodes.
FW Dixon
Demon Drawer Posted May 23, 2003
Glad that the first article you read left you with such a good impression of the site. I trust that you will enjoy reading many more and maybe even contribute a little yourslef.
FW Dixon
Jak@wales Posted May 23, 2003
St Demon, thanks for reply good to know someone is reading. just out of iterest can a visionaly be disillusioned or have you simply become a pragmatist?
FW Dixon
Demon Drawer Posted May 23, 2003
I read all posts to my various articles. Just glad to see someone start out with one of mine. After 180 or so with contributions it is nice to see a newbie reading me to start their life here.
FW Dixon
Jak@wales Posted May 23, 2003
180 contributions !
All on the same subject or do you have a wide range of interests.
FW Dixon
Demon Drawer Posted May 23, 2003
A wide range of subjects see A608726 for the full list. Although I did start small with what I knew well my home town. Although this took 2 years to complete. Never thinking it was perfect and still dn't actually.
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FW Dixon
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