A Conversation for Franklin W Dixon - Author
Hardy Boys and John Almquist
artenglish Started conversation Feb 20, 2006
The authorship of Hardy Boys books was of interest to me as I have just completed reading "Girl Sleuth- Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created He," by Melanie Rehak. A fascinating read for Hardy Boy fans, as it reveals the workings of the Stratemeyer Syndicate.
I was interested to see on this site (bbc.co.uk - h2g2) that "almost nothing is known about" one of the authors of the Hardy Boys books, John Almquist.
He was well known to many students of Montclair High School, in New Jersey (USA) where he was a much loved English teacher in the 1950's and 1960's. Rumor of his authoring of the Hardy Boys books was rampant. I am pleased to see the rumor supported.
"Johnny" Almquist had a passion for literature and for writing. He and fellow teacher, Art McClasky created what would now be considered to be an Advance Placement interdisciplinary class called "Art-English," where students studied art and literature and combined them in creative ventures such as our production of a multi-media play based on Melville's Moby DIck. Class was always interesting, fun and thought provolking with Mac and Johnny at the helm. Both teachers knew young people well, which is probably why we all loved the class and why Johnny's Hardy Books books were so good.
Hardy Boys and John Almquist
Demon Drawer Posted Feb 20, 2006
Wow! Thanks for that I was trying to locate info on him but found nothing I feel a rewrite coming on.
Hardy Boys and John Almquist
sdreamer Posted Jan 11, 2007
John Almquist, an old family friend from my home town in CT, was also an English teacher at Kent School (a private prep school in Kent CT) after his years in New Jersey at Montclair High School.
A brilliant, tall and handsome man with piercing eyes, keen wit and wonderful chuckle who played flowing jazz standards on piano without sheet music - did not possess a driver's license, smoked cigars - indoors sometimes - and told a story like no one I have known since. A mere footnote to his fame, more than once I heard him mention his literary contribution to the Hardy Boys series with a smile. Yes, Melville's Moby Dick was a favorite in his classroom.
I doubt anyone who ever sat through his class forgot him, his bushy brows and his great wit - thanks for stirring up those memories of the great man.
-from his hometown
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Hardy Boys and John Almquist
elmtwig Posted Jan 23, 2010
John Almquist was my Dad. He was a completely wonderful human being. Jazz musician, poet, author, college professor, Melville and Whitman scholar, and one of the authors of the Hardy Boys and Tom Swift series. I would love to answer any questions people have about his work at the Stratemeyer Syndicate, or about the great man that he was.
Jennifer Almquist, his very proud daughter.
Hardy Boys and John Almquist
Demon Drawer Posted Jan 25, 2010
Jennifer I will have to dig up my notes from when I wrote this and get some of those answers then.
Stephen (Aka Demon Drawer)
Hardy Boys and John Almquist
Phil Posted Jun 2, 2015
Hi Jennifer,
We were at MHS about the same time. I met your father through mine who was a history teacher or guidance counselor at the time. I was young and still reading The Hardy Boys at the time and thrilled to meet someone who wrote some.
Phil Nast
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Hardy Boys and John Almquist
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