The Leaky Cauldron

3 Conversations

The Leaky Cauldron

Across the street from the bar is a stair well that leads to the London Train Station

The outside of the bar looks like a non-descript section of wall, between two buildings, and under a sky-walk that crosses the street. Muggles can't even see the creaky old wooden door that leads inside. But you can, because to even be here, you're obviouisly not a muggle.

Inside the lighting is dim, the air smokey, and the din low and of decidedly un-miggleish things. You approach the bar, passing a Hogwarts proffesor who is sipping a smiley - stiffdrink and smoking a hookah of mint tobacco

Come in and have a drink, won't you?

The bar tender makes his way over to you, he's obviously Irish. "What can git for'yah this fine mourn'n?" he asks.

Concealed in a nook in the wall is the stair well, it leads to the second floor, the third floor, and the kitchen.

There is a rickety door at the far end of the room from which a slight draft enters the room.

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