Time Traveller's Space

I was becoming mildly anoyed at having the society of Time Travellers' page the same as my personal space, so I have made a new page for it.

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The h2g2 Society of Time Travellers

I joined h2g2 under the advise of my rl friend known here as "Sir DrunkenDeath", and it was also under his advice I joined the knights of h2g2. I have found the knights, and the rest of h2g2 to be an amasingly fun place for people like me who prefer nothing better than to waste time on the internet.

Seems I should have a list of what my Knights of h2g2 character has, so here you go:

* 1 coat, v.dark grey 3/4 legnth
* 1 scarf, 14 foot long, light grey with bands of colour
* 2 big comfy jumpers, a red one and a green one, each with lovely long sleves.
* 1 pair trousers, black
* 1 pair of "moddy" Chelsea type boots, black
* 1 antique silver pocket watch (lost)
* 1 space/time location device
* several incomplete packs of cards, some explosive, some with hidden razors, some poisoned, most normal, as it is surprising what a paper playing card can do.
*One long thin TimeStaff
* 1 battered grey 1982 Ford Escort... much more than a car


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Time Traveller - Knights of h2g2 Astronomer - Chairman of the Society of Time Travellers

Researcher U219006


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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