A Conversation for Whose Line is it Anyway - A (not so) temporary Home

Each post a limerick

Post 2041


As sanity waxes and wanes
Reality visits our brains
Then flees like the wind
And monsters creep in
To eat anyone who complains

Each post a limerick

Post 2042


It's peaceful now, everyone's gone
And I'm here in my cage all alone
The screaming has waned
It's calm in my brain
And the demons and gremlins have flown

Each post a limerick

Post 2043


There once was man from Vancouver
Who tried to spray paint with a Hoover.
He found it no go--
It would suck but not blow,
An amazingly messy manoeuvre.

Each post a limerick

Post 2044


To clean up start off with some thinner
Or solvent, if you're a beginner
Wipe up with some rags
Place neatly in bags
Wash hands and you'll be a winner smiley - winkeye

smiley - biker

Each post a limerick

Post 2045


But what do you do with the Hoover?
It's not what you call an improver,
To jam it with paint . . .
No, pretty it ain't,
Let's call in a garbage remover.

Each post a limerick

Post 2046


The hoover should go in the trash
You can't trade it or sell it for cash
Nor sell it for scrap
So sorry, old chap
Good luck, cheerio, I must dash smiley - run

smiley - biker

Each post a limerick

Post 2047


That handsome young devil John Kelly
Makes all the girls quiver like jelly.
A hit with the ladies,
I wish him in Hades,
Blind, impotent, hunchbacked and smelly.

Each post a limerick

Post 2048


It sounds as though you're envious
But why wish him to be just like us
It makes us no cuter
Just one more wretched neuter
An additional miserable cuss smiley - run

smiley - biker

Each post a limerick

Post 2049


But that is what curses are for
They don't aim to even the score
At best they are seen
As an outlet for spleen
Calling others' good fortune a whore

Each post a limerick

Post 2050

Demon Drawer

But to be cursed when your true love is gone
With your brain seeking to find what went wrong
Is like a knife to the gut
And a pain in the butt
But I'd love to revive my love's song.

Each post a limerick

Post 2051


Your cry of pain stikes to the core
My sympathy's started to pour
The guy's lost his flame
His dame and his name
May he never be lonesome no more.

Each post a limerick

Post 2052


'Tis good to see life on this thread
'Twas starting to look as though dead
'Til one lonesome chap
'Long this way did hap
'Fore R and I moved on instead

smiley - biker

Each post a limerick

Post 2053


My car will take plenty of us
Without effort, discomfort or fuss.
A stretch limo, you say?
You could name it that way
If you like; I just call it a bus.

Each post a limerick

Post 2054

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Put paint in a hoover, you're joking!
That's some funny stuff that you're smoking!
It sucks and it blows
But everyone knows
A hoover's for nocturnal poking.

A bus, have you room there for me?
I'll provide biscuits, coffee and tea.
The distance is daunting
And you could be flaunting
Abilities like driving at sea.

Each post a limerick

Post 2055

Honorary God

A Bus on the sea? - That's a ship!
Just great for a round the world trip,
Are you willing to share,
Your Picnic-ing fare?
If I could come too - I'd just flip.

Each post a limerick

Post 2056


At sea, when they signal "Mayday"
They're not greeting the coming of May.
Its a sign of distress
From the French: more or less
"Veuillez m'aider, tout'suite, s'il vous plâit."

A whole month with no post smiley - sadface

Each post a limerick

Post 2057


Whenever I spy a sad face
I franticly commence to pace
And ponder a cure
For the blues, to be sure
Or the blahs, whichever the case

smiley - biker

smiley - peacedove

Each post a limerick

Post 2058

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I find when I suffer from Blues,
I search for a reason or clues,
Or I sit in a field,
Until properly healed,
As I listen to all the cows' moooooooooos.

Each post a limerick

Post 2059


Several long weeks have now past
Since any of us bothered to cast
Into classic goo
Or the other two
A limerick. Well here's one at last

Are any of you still alive?
It's from your dry wit I derrive
My inspiration
Without you it's gone
Ah! But together we thrive

smiley - biker

Each post a limerick

Post 2060


We're all on a summer recess,
Except those Down Under, I guess,
Who probably take
Their mid-winter break
At this time of year, more or less.

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