Manchester Curry Crawl

2 Conversations

The Manchester Curry Crawl!

Curry Houses

Another of the famous Manchester Meets has been proposed, this time taking in Manchester's glorious Curry Mile.

When and Where?

We will be meeting up on Saturday February the 8th.

We have 3 possible meet up points to choose as suits you best. Some researchers will be meeting up at around 6.30 (pm) in The Salisbury (which is located near Oxford Road Station). That group will them move on to meet up with other researchers in The Whitworth Arms (on the corner of Wilmslow Road, and Moss Lane East, opposite Whitworth Park) at about 7.20. Then to Lal Quila Restaurant (on the corner of Wilmslow Road and Thurloe Street) for 8, where we are booked in for 8pm, on Wilmslow Road (after all, curry is good for yousmiley - winkeye), to warm up those chilly winter nights.

Obviously, an evening of curry and beersmiley - ale wouldn't appeal to all researcherssmiley - laugh but we reckon there's a few out there who would enjoy it! Plus of course, most curry houses offer 'English' dishes too, for those who prefer something less spicy.smiley - cheers

The Curry Crawl Dream

The dream was to start off by meeting up in a pub for an or two, before moving off to the first curry house for samosas, onion bhajis, or any starter of your choice.

This would be followed by a visit to another hostelry, before moving on to the next curry house, for more starters or even a main course.

So the evening could progress, with beer then curry, then more beer and more curry, before retiring to an hospitable hostelry for the remainder of the evening...

...But alas we are not sure we could all eat that much, and still have room for yet more smiley - ale later, and so have opted for a sit-down meal at the highly recommended Lal Quila. However we still have to pass a lot of curry/kebab shops on the way from the pub to the restaurant smiley - bigeyesand back againsmiley - drunkmmmmmmmmmsmiley - drool

After the meal is looks likely that we will be heading off to the Salisbury for a few more smiley - ale's/smiley - stiffdrink's


Courtesy of Captain Kebab Proof undeniable - he really does 'know where things are'! Find them at post no 138 of the Sign me up thread.

Also this map shows the immediate area around the restaurant.

Potential Attendees

If you are interested in attending, or have any suggestions, please post below.

If you would like to find out about other meets and activities 'oop narth' then why not join the Flat Cap and Muffler Club?

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