Mancunian Blues

2 Conversations

Summer is drawing to an end, and so we wave goodbye to all the rain clouds and hello to the autumn sun. In a couple of weeks South Manchester will be full of life.

Bars will be packed with students, so those that want to can now kick out us workers who've paid their bills over the summer. The pavements will littered with take away food, only part of which hasn't already reached the stomach. Yep, from the 20th of September, the delights of Fresher's week will be upon us, and may whatever deity you believe in have mercy on your soul.

So, what do this year's new blood have in store for them? They have Manchester's unsigned music festival taking up half the bars in the city, that's what. Recounting the history of 'In The City' would go beyond the scope, and frankly the research, of this hastily typed article. What is important is that countless thousands of unsigned acts, from Manchester and beyond, rush demos to a small office in Salford hoping that the all important judging panel will pick them to star in the festival. By around mid-August, the rumours go around that those who are playing have been picked, so all the left over
bands rush sign themselves up to play at an ITC 'fringe' event. At the start of September, the official band list is released, and there is much pondering over why nearly as many Icelandic acts are playing as Mancunion ones, and why at about half the official venues are not regular live music venues.

Most of the normal live music venues are putting on Fringe nights, hosting bands they like and know bring in the fans, and since most of the regular venues such as 'Roadhouse', 'Band On The Wall', 'Attic' and such are not on the official list so will be catering for the masses. Granted there will be some duff acts, but this is a true reflection of the unsigned talent in Manchester, and why do bands from the US get invited over when talented artists on their own doorstep such as 'Minus One Raver',
'Grayson's Hour',
'Narcissus' or 'Starbase 109' don't get a look in.

So what is ITC about and why is it held? It is a chance for the record industry to say that they listen to bands outside the capital, so they spend 3 days getting drunk on expenses and drooling over acts that frankly, are probably on the verge of being signed up anyway. Record executives can come and stay in a posh hotel and attend conferences in the day and watch some hand picked acts in fair comfortable bars safe in the knowledge that come Tuesday afternoon, they will be back in the great cesspool with their 24 hour hot and cold running PAs, 200 miles away from the ghastly provinces.

Bands that have played ITC and gone on to bigger things are 'Coldplay', 'The Darkness', 'jj72', 'Muse', 'Idlewild', 'Catatonia', 'Oasis', 'Terris', 'Haven', 'Placebo', 'Alfie' and 'Elastica'. However a lot of these acts were not signed at ITC, some were already in the eye of record labels. Many acts have played ITC and gone on to do nothing, and many who have never played at ITC have made it huge.

The A&R men in London don't tend to work on weekends, which comes in handy for most non-London based bands, who can only gig in the capital on a Friday or Saturday. So the one big provincial weekend for bands is chocked full of bands from London and its surrounds. This is perhaps why there is some resentment among the bands in Manchester for those who are playing 'In The Cliquey'.

So we are all playing the Fringe events, hoping an stray A&R man will venture away from the flock and watch us, sign us and we will go on to rule the music industry and perhaps even the universe!!! I'm not even going to start on about the ITC letting the office tea boy do the press releases where they try and describe the bands, some of the acts descriptions were just random words, many said nothing about the style of the band and were hardly and advert for the bleeding edge of the industry.

Well, I suppose you want recommendations? Official ITC – I suppose the most interesting gig for
me is on

Saturday 18th 7.45pm

'Pekka Volt', 'The Aeroplane's, 'The Pioneers' , 'Tom Vek' and 'The Longcut'.

We have three North West bands and some Norwegians, who needs more on a Saturday ?

Sunday, up to much? The Fringe offers up 'Minus One Raver' among others at Satan's Hollow, and they have to be heard.

Monday, Fresher's week has started, so head down to the heart of the university, and Jabez Clegg, the student pub, pull an eighteen year old and show them the delights of the big wide world, and while you're there, watch 'Narcissus', 'Midland Railway' and others in Vman's Fringe gig. Sure to be the best night of music in the post code. And let's extend the fringe a bit, and come down to
Bowling Green on the 21st by the uni and have more Fresher's fun with the comic protector of the blues, 'The Master Bluesman'.

Anyway, next week I'll declare my love for Simon Cowell and plug most of these acts again!!

Till next time.

Love, Peace and Blues


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