Small Screen Surfin'

1 Conversation

As Dr. Anthea and Psycorp306 lay into me in Meet Mr Inquisitor [Not Awix] heh heh heh... I go
all out to bring you 10 reasons1 why Big
Brother should not be watched/banned in Technicolor..! Why all out? We-ell there's more than 10

  1. It's on all day every day!

  2. It's cheap to make thus channels get better
    ratings2 on
    rubbish low-quality programmes like this so more clones are made eg. 24 Hour Quiz. Or worse,
    distributed world-wide!
    This reaction is mostly seen by the majority in the movie world...

  3. 'They can't say that!'
    And they don't because brands etc.
    can't be mentioned... 'Well I got tweet tweet tweet.'
    It's all the people talk about

  4. People talk about it!
    Stoppit! It isn't good and you know
    you're only watching it to see sex.

  5. The 'sex'.
    'Oh Mr X!!' *blanket moves an inch*

  6. The 'sex' (again) in print.
    'Oh this'll make a great edition...we'll sell
    thousands of copies! --- What's that about Judgement Day? Pfft! --- DAVID BECKHAM BREATHES
    OXYGEN?! Write that 5000 times across an aging model's chest...' *fans self with money*

  7. Aftershocks...
    This created I'm A Celebrity... and THAT
    created Peter Andre's return with 'Insania'.....I hate you all....

  8. Auditions...
    'I'm a 25 year old man with 9 degrees...' -
    'zzzzzzzzzz' - '...and also a black rabbi lesbian who used to be an elk.' - 'Welcome aboard!'

  9. Stupid people.
    'Somefink' instead of 'something' and London is
    the capital motorway of Mars. Riveting participants. Headaches come free. 'I'd like some dumbing
    down please!'

  10. Fifteen Minutes of Fame...
    Hello?! Big Brother IS their
    fifteen minutes of fame?? Why is that stunt double for Miss Piggy still appearing in programmes???

Keep Surfin'... please!

Small Screen Surfin'


17.06.04 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1In order of being in no order...2This mainly applies to those who have boxes to count the ratings... You do all
know that it's a few thousand boxes pocketed in various areas in the country multiplied by the
viewing nation? So chances are that when you ask how something got good ratings even when you or
anyone else you know didn't watch it, it probably didn't. At least off the record.

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