Fantasy Krikkit 2007 - Final League Tables

20 Conversations

Fantasy Krikkit

The Ashes, a cricket bat and ball
Krikkit Championship
PositionTeam NameCaptainTotal Points
1Over And Outme[Andy]g827
2The Down and UndersFrenchbean710
4Green and Gold InvinciblesSummerbayexile661
5Dodgy WikkitsMegachedda640
6Sorry Cow and Tea Krikkit KlubDemon Drawer601
7Reuben Spiring's HelicopterEgon582
8Jules' KroniesJulesK581
9Spent KitfiresMu Beta575
10Organcheese XIMontague Trout567
11Hit For Six!Nirvanite559
12Freddie and the SteamersAlfredo Marquez442
13Sticky WikkitsMagwitch420

Phantasy ProPhortyPhifty
PositionTeam NameCaptainTotal Points
1Over And Outme[Andy]g351
2Green and Gold InvinciblesSummerbayexile304
3Jules' KroniesJulesK296
4Freddie and the SteamersAlfredo Marquez285
5The Down and UndersFrenchbean284
6Hit For Six!Nirvanite280
7Spent KitfiresMu Beta276
8Reuben Spiring's HelicopterEgon260
9Dodgy WikkitsMegachedda232
11Organcheese XIMontague Trout200
12Sorry Cow and Tea Krikkit KlubDemon Drawer195
13Sticky WikkitsMagwitch172
Twenty20 Knockout Cup
First Round
Team OnePointsTeam TwoPoints
Dedfordshire7Green and Gold Invincibles9
Sticky Wikkits9Organcheese XI8
Sorry Cow and Tea Krikkit Club6Dodgy Wikkits3
Jules' Kronies20Reuben Spiring's Helicopter12
Spent Kitfires10Over and Out17
Freddie and the Steamers Bye 
The Down and Unders Bye 
Hit For Six! Bye 
Quarter Finals
Team OnePointsTeam TwoPoints
Jules' Kronies25Sticky Wikkits16
Freddie and the Steamers17Sorry Cow and Tea Krikkit Club4
Green and Gold Invincibles16Hit for Six!11
The Down and Unders12Over and Out8
Semi Finals
Team OnePointsTeam TwoPoints
Jules' Kronies2Green and Gold Invincibles8
The Down and Unders22Freddie and the Steamers4
Team OnePointsTeam TwoPoints
The Down and Unders1Green and Gold Invincibles11

Note that when scores are tied between teams, league position is determined by removing the highest points scorer from each side's teams. The team with the highest remaining score has precedence in the table.

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