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I got tired of dragging my titles along after my name, so I'll just list them here:

Queen of elves

Explanation found on my page:


Patron Saint of Mythical Characters

How on earth did that happen?

Well, I just applied here:

If You Want To Be A Guardian Angel - Apply Here!!!


They voted for me!

Muse of Confusion

At first, when discovering the world of h2g2, I was rather confused by - mostly everything - what's GuideML, what's a Forum, what's Continuity?

And I'm also confused by the differences in American and British English, since English is a foreign language to me...

And then I'm a bit confused because I was born and grew up in Sweden, but both parents being Finnish... makes me feel a bit mixed up sometimes, not sure of whether I'm a Swede or a Finn...

And I was born left-handed, but when I started school they made me use right hand when learning to write - but I still use left hand to draw, never managed to learn to draw with right hand...

Which all in all makes me confused enough to qualify for being the Muse of Confusion...

My other home is a Muse home

Keeper of Bluebells

Well, I happen to like bluebells, and when Galaxy Babe announced the possibility of becoming a Keeper, I just had to grab the opportunity, here: Keepers

I even own a little cottage at the Village de la Vavoom, here: Bluebells


In case I'm in a destructive mood, I guess I could use this acronym of my name, helpfully provided by Phil:




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