Welcome to my humble abode....

6 Conversations

Wecome to my house...

My front door is old, wooden and painted with red peeling paint. The knocker is a cast iron gargoyle, with a small yet friendly grinning face. You can knock, and the dors swings open (on a hinge, no magic!) to reveal my wooden hallway. To the left is my living room, which is furnished with a tasteful brown carpet and houses my television. on the right is a door leading to the kitchen and eating room, while up the stairs is an 'attic' type area where I sleep. This room is where my Stereo and computer are, and has my bed with a sun and moon design on the covers. The entire house is decorated with a wooden finish, with electric lanterns on the walls, which gives a warm and friendly atmosphere. The kettle is currently boiling in the kitchen for any teas or coffees that visitors may require.

My Gaden

My garden lies mostly in disarray, but towards the back lies a summer house (Also wooden, and yes, also in disarray) near the river that marks the back of my plot. Opposite my summer house is my garden shed, which is (of course) wooden, but has been well looked after. I have a small pond that steals water from the river, but has very few fish in it

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