Anarchist Nervecentre

1 Conversation

The true meaning of anarchy is society living and working together without any people of authority, that sort of thing.

The new meaning of anarchy is youths setting fire to things, rioting, being disrespectful, punk music, rape the young slash the old etc.
And here's me condoning and supporting it!

Maybe not the last one (bit difficult over an online community), but generally I will set out to vunerable locations and cause as much chaos as possible.

You'll see, soon enough.

Unfortunatly I still have about one or two weeks of Internet leave to fulfil, so this won't be very active. And seeing as it's largely a covert operation I won't see many/any people helping me.

I mean, this is so secret I haven't even given a name for future members! I suppose 'anarchist' will have to do.

Oooh, but I will soon enough. I bloody well hope so.

But I digress. I have decided to work in association with I.C.A.R.U.S., because I feel that some of our motivations are the same. Because this is a secret thing, they don't know this. But, as my policy will show, we have something in common.

I also support this.

And this.

Did I say policy? Oh, you want to know exactly why this place exists? Why didn't you ask? Anyway, here goes...

What I am fighting for

The anarchists (i.e. me) will mobolise into outragous and unacceptable behaviour when the following happen:

1. An unacceptable event happens (irl)

2. An idiotic and/or stupid thing happens (irl)

3. Somebody does/says something unacceptable/stupid (irl)

4. There is a major injustice done to something/one (irl and on h2g2)

5. We can also act when we feel like it, for no useful reason. We're anarchists remember, no have no rules or authority to bind us.

We/I will do something, somewhere to draw attention to the event and make people realise what is happening around them, and that something should be done.

End of policy

Of course, seeing as I'm the boss, it's down to me to decide what happens when. But remember, I'm supposed to be taking Internet leave. So if you decide to join the cause then I'll leave you be to do what you like for now. I never knew about it, I was on 'net leave how could I possibly know?

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