The h2g2 enemies support group.

2 Conversations

When you first join h2g2, it seems to be that everyone wants to be friends with you, but you soon make enemies. Unfortunately, I already had one before I joined h2g2, and does it happen to be one in the h2g2 authority, who constantly threatens me not to write useless guide entries otherwise he will erase them. He also constantly threatens me that he will put pictures up of me when I was 6 years old just to embarrase me.

He is probably reading this article right now.

He knows who he is.

He is my brother. He even has his own personalized ><>

Do you have enemies on h2g2 who constantly threaten you? Do they threaten to put terrible pictures of you up on h2g2? If so, you are not on your own. Come here and tell me about it, and maybe I'll give you a little support. You may even dish the dirt if you wish, but please, don't be too harsh.

Genuine people only, please. ;-)

If you want to put someone on the ESG, then go to my homepage where you should see my e-mail address (I'm sorry there's no link), and tell me their H2G2 name, your researcher number, your H2G2 name and the reason they are on the ESG.

Jeni X- put up by Katsy (a.k.a. Esti) , Jeni X tipped the contents of my bag onto the floor during a French lesson at school, threatening to put up secret information on h2g2 and for telling the whole h2g2 communiy I'm mad.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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