This is a Journal entry by Edward the Bonobo - Gone.


Post 21

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Sorry to trump you, PC:

That lot would need one *hell* of an iPod.


Post 22

psychocandy-moderation team leader

No Shit! smiley - bigeyes

With that much content, surely at least half of it would be unlistenable crap, though, and think of all the time and effort involved in getting rid of all that.

Though I suppose if I had an extra $3M to spend on records, I'd have nothing but time. smiley - laugh


Post 23

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Maybe it doesn't bode well that the guy is married to 'Dawn', as in 'Tony Orlando and...' smiley - smiley

I seem to vaguely recall talk of acquiring the collection housed at Peel Acres for the nation. Sure, much of that is also bound to be unlistenable crap - but in a good way!


Post 24


When a vinil disc is spoiled, scratched or you simply know that you will never listen to it again, there´s a possibility of recycling it: into a wonderful, fashionable bag or a watch to put it up on your wall... I saw a bag made with two small vynils, those of 45 rpm. Cute.

I love vynil discs. Sometimes we have a "guess what it comes now" session. very funny and tasty.

PC: "moisture" was the word I neededsmiley - smiley
My English is getting clumsier since I don´t visit you all.


Post 25

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Mmmm. 'Moisture'. A good word! smiley - drool


Post 26


smiley - laugh
Do not change Ed!


Post 27

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Ugh, I hate the word "moisture". I hate "moist" more.

I've got a set of coasters made from the middles of old vinyl LPs, and a serving bowl (suitable for dry goods like chips or pretzels) made from an LP. I've seen clocks, too, but only really pricey ones. I'd love one of those. smiley - smiley


Post 28

Researcher U197087

Hi Ed, sorry to hear what happened - hope it recovers fully. smiley - hug

If you're of a pilgrimaging persuasion John Peel's headstone has just gone up in Peel Acres' local churchyard, 20 miles from here.


Post 29

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

I can understand the butterfly tastes of the young but why do they need devices that can hold tens of thousands of tunes? My oldest daughter has about ten thousand on her device currently.

A thousand, four-minute tunes would take three whole days to cycle through (allowing for eight hours sleep over the period). If I put my entire thirty-year music collection together I could possibly muster two thousand tunes, half of which I have no desire to hear again, and some of which should honestly be burned (Early Dr.Hook or Curved Air anyone?).

I do begin to wonder if may people actually appreciate the sounds of life going on around them anymore? Or is it double plus good to have them walking through life in a shell of tunes, isolated from everyone else?

The other thing I wonder is the long-term effect of continuous music being piped direct to the ear, often at volumes that I can hear at the other end of a crowded bus.

I am getting old are't I?smiley - laugh


Post 30

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Yes - you are getting old. smiley - smiley

Horses for courses, obviously. I know full well that I've no chance of listening to everything I might gather. But there's always the hope that I might randomly stumble on something that turns out to be the best thing ever.

I reckon there are two types of people on this earth, which I illustrate with the story of a family dinner party. My uncle had made a shephard's pie and a lasagne and was asking who wanted what. Because my (maternal) Grandpop was deaf, my dad answered for him:
'He'll want shepherd's pie.'
My dad knew what he liked, and what he liked was what he knew.
But Pop chimed in,
'Give me have some of that lasag-knee stuff. I don't know what it is, but I've never had it before!'.

Mt pal Mike is in his fifties. He's already filled a couple of iPods - not *entirely* with Beefheart - and has had to move onto a server. But he's still adding more! He says he likes the way he gets to hear The Louis Armstrong Hot Sevens one minute and The (Mighty) Fall the next...and he knows enough about music to hear the similarities.

Oh - and PC - moistmoistmoistmoistmoistmoistmoistmoistmoistmoistmoistmoistsmiley - evilgrin


Post 31

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Oooh, Edward! smiley - grr I'd best not tell you my *other* least favorite word. smiley - rolleyes

I don't have time to listen to everything we own, either, but I like being able to grab something whenever I'm in the mood for it. It's not like a lot of the stuff in my collection gets radio airplay.

It's true that having an mp3 player would make it more convenient for me to carry more stuff around at a time, and I wouldn't need to have every single tune from every album on there, but I have a tendency to get myself things like this, and then lose the will to use them to their full potential.

That said, if and when I get around to getting one, I want this one: ).


Post 32

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Go can whisper it. smiley - smiley

I think I'll stick with an iPod classic, when I accede to the inevitable and admit that my present one is dead. Nowadays you can get 80GB for £159.


Post 33

Researcher 556780

Pc that is an awesome collection! It is worth having them on an ipod smiley - biggrin

Geo and I did ours in tandem, whenever we passed by the pc we'd pop one in. Yes, it does take forever if your collection is vast but the benefits of just having them there in your library far out weights that! If your ipod dies you still have your library thank goodness.

Ed, I'm like you - I like to listen to stuff on the offchance - marvelous to find those pieces that strike chords! smiley - magic I hope your pod gets well - I'd be interested to hear if it survives the wash!

My ipod is still doing the sadface of death smiley - wah It was a classic 30g one - I am going to get another just as soon as the tax return comes in smiley - biggrin



Post 34

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I'm waiting for my annual bonus. It's already spoken for, due to our usual incompetent financial management, but I reckon I can justify just a tiny, little iPod. Rumour has it we should get it in March.


Post 35

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm waiting for my annual bonus, too. It should come sometime around the end of March or beginning of February. We need to buy a new, digital TV before the analog signals shut off next February, so we're finally going to get around to a flat panel. Between my bonus and both of our tax refunds, we should get enough for the TV and for the media shelving I've wanted.

In fact, I could probably get the mp3 player as well.

But what I should *really* do is add whatever we don't use for the TV to the mortgage down payment fund. smiley - erm


Post 36

Researcher 556780

How about the 6 million dollar home theatre system:

Just four easy payments and it could be yours..smiley - winkeye

smiley - drool


Post 37

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Can't open from work- it's blocked for being "tasteless". So, is it tacky *and* expensive?

I'd love a nice home theater system. So much so that obtaining a home theater system (with a serious upgrade to my hi-hi) has as high priority as buying a home to put it in. smiley - winkeye


Post 38

Researcher 556780

I can't wait for wallpaper speakers smiley - wow no I have no idea if it's invented yet -but I want it...

"tasteless" smiley - laugh all I get is "inappropriate and action may be taken against employees abusing the internet etc"

Actually it's a nice set up, just a wee bit expensive....and well yeah that particular page is tasteless..smiley - cool


Post 39

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

It does have some pictures on it which I suspect might lead to 'Not Safe For Work' sites. But it's one of the few sites that my work hasn't got around to blocking.

They block most blogs. Can you believe that? Some blogs have information that's actually useful for work!


Post 40

psychocandy-moderation team leader

All blogs and social networking sites (or, I guess, know ones?) are blocked on my work network. Thank goodness h2g2 isn't!

I'll check out the link now I'm home. smiley - winkeye

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