This is a Journal entry by LQ - Just plain old LQ

I'm still here

Post 1

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Yes, well. Summer hols are here once again; I've not really got much to do. Except for little things like try to find which Unis I should apply to. At the moment, Cambridge and Durham are almost certainly my top two (and personally, I prefered my experiences of Durham to Cambridge so far), and B'ham may well be on the list. Possibly Warwick, though I want to look around first.

I've decided on the essense of the course I want, although what exactly it entails depends on the Uni: I'm going to do Maths and/with Physics. In the case of Cambridge, that would be "Maths with Physics", possibly splicing into Natural Sciences in the second year (I will not do NatSci there first year, as it would mean I had to do a module on Biology, or Geology). At Durham, I would be after the Natural Sciences course, though I need to check the exact design of it and see how it all works.

I'm rarely doing anything on here any more, although I pop on semi-regularly to check my space for posts. I'm not really using forums all that much any more; I've grown bored with them, possibly due to immersing myself more fully in real life social situations, and getting fed up of feuds and wars online.

I have had some great times over the last year, and Lower 6th has possibly been my best year in school...although, to be honest, I can hardly remember school before Lower 6th. There have been problems, and some look to be developing next year. Still, I have faith everything'll turn out for the best.

Well, actually I don't, but I'll just have to live with it. Or organise a coup.

I'm still here

Post 2

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

I had a feeling 'I'm still here' would turn out to be one of your journal entries.smiley - winkeye

Ah, the joys of university applications... Have you settled on colleges to apply to yet? (It would be such a shame for someone becoming immersed in RL social situations to ruin it all by applying to Hatfield, and having to live with the opprobrium for an entire course... I'm exaggerating, of course, but this sort of stuff is something of an internal Durham obsession.)

You're not the only one who's less than enamoured with flame wars, which is part of why I no longer visit The Forum or PR. I suspect that's the downside of Internet anonymity: people are less restrained than in RL society, and sometimes that can have its unpleasant aspects. Though I suspect people have just as many disagreements with people met offline; they're just... colder about it.

I haven't been doing so much on h2g2 myself during the past few months, since I ended up with a huge backlog of stuff to do at the end of the last academic year, plus dissertation work (see my last journal entry).

I'm still here

Post 3

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Why would that be then? Couldn't possibly be to do with my others being the imaginatively titled "Still here..." and "Update", surely.

Colleges are just adding another irritant to the problem of deciding on Unis. At Cambridge, the only one I've really focussed on is Trinity; however, after my second visit there (an actual open day as opposed to the casual look around before) I realised I didn't like it very much...seemed sort of dead. Therefore I'll probably do a bit more looking and choose one another to apply to, but I'm not sure.

As for Durham, the Hill colleges seem a bit more suited to me from what I've found out (I've had a bit of correspondance with a couple of alumni from there), possibly Van Mildert...any particular advice regarding that one (or others for that matter)?

I'm still here

Post 4

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Whether a place seems dead or not could be affected by term times and exams, so depending on when you were there it might just have been the time of year...

As I said on F1676642?thread=555668&post=6329469#p6329469, there are two colleges that have... reputations; Van Mildert isn't one of them, although I'm told that years ago it was noted as a haven of Leftism. The Hill colleges are in general reputed to have a less conservative bent than the Bailey colleges, but there isn't really that much of a gulf. I'm not that au fait with the Hill colleges though, I'm afraid; I tend not to have many reasons for going further in that drection than the Science Site.

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