This is a Journal entry by LQ - Just plain old LQ

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Post 1

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Yep, I'm now working on another article, and still about games - this time the Advance Wars trilogy for GambeBoy Advance and Nintendo DS. With a few weeks at home before Uni, and not too much else to do, hopefully I can get it into Peer Review before too long.

Shame it's about another series of games, but these are the things I happen to know enough about to write about, and aren't already covered. Still. Also unfortunately, it's looking like it may well be as long as the FF entry, so may take just as long to get through to being Edited...

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Post 2

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Woo, managed to fit a tenuous link to the FF article in there, due to a vague similarity in plot ideas. Might have to come out at some point, but I think it's valid enough.

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Post 3

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

I haven't played any of that series, so I shan't be appearing in the PR thread, but good luck.

After some stunning delays Durham has finally accepted my M.A. application, so I'm also getting ready for the University year.

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Post 4

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Congrats with the MA application - is this some part of your grand plan or is it partly to put off trying to decide what's next for another year? :P

My results day is tomorrow, so I should know in about 12 hours if I'm going to Durham or not. I'm not quite sure what I'll do if I'm not...I've got an insurance offer, but I'm not so keen on that any more, and goodness knows what if I don't even make that...

But that _shouldn't_ happen. Please...

On the subject of Advance Wars, if you've got the time to spare you should give the series a glance. Second hand GBAs are incredibly cheap (well, they ought to be, Game only offered me £1 if I traded mine in a month or two ago), and hopefully a pre-owned copy of the original wouldn't cost too much either. Although with their popularity, it's hard to tell. They may still be fetching a reasonable price.

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Post 5

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Part of my grand plan... which unfortunately doesn't yet include a reliable means of obtaining funding for a PhD.

I've got a GBA; what I lack is enough time to give attention even to my existing game collection. Part and parcel of liking RPGs. smiley - erm

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