This is a Journal entry by LQ - Just plain old LQ
Rest from Unis. Finally.
LQ - Just plain old LQ Started conversation Oct 8, 2005
Well, UCAS finally went off on Thursday evening, and I handed in my Cambridge Application Form to school yesterday. So hopefully I can forget all about it for a short while.
I've applied to:
Cambridge, Selwyn College, Maths with Physics.
Durham, Van Mildert College, Natural Sciences (Maths and Physics)
Those are my top two, probably...currently in the other order, unlike most people.
Also, with applicable variations on the Maths and Physics courses, I have:
Birmingham, Nottingham, Warwick and York.
With the exception of Birmingham (which I'm unlikely to choose, being too close to home), I haven't visted any of the second lot...I'm working on the basis that their prospectus/course sounds nice, they've got a good reputation, and hopefully I'll be invivted for interview/post-application Open Days when I can see them first hand.
So, hopefully I can now leave it all for a while. Except for the mock interviews next week, interviews I get invited to with the actual Unis, any post-application Open Days being held, the searching I'm supposed to be doing for alternative places to apply to in Clearing if something goes wrong, organising anything necessary for sitting STEP papers, and all that rhubarb...
Rest from Unis. Finally.
RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky Posted Oct 8, 2005
I was never called for interview by anywhere other than Cambridge, so if your projected grades are high it's quite possible you won't be interviewed anywhere else; then again, that was some time ago and for a completely different course.
The latest news from Durham is that, according to Palatinate ( , but they haven't updated the site to correspond to their latest issue yet), the Students' Union is in an even worse financial state than was suspected; I'll possibly post more details in one of my own journal threads. Luckily this isn't as much of a problem as it would be in a non-collegiate university. No bad news to cloud your choice of college, anyway; the current unfortunate college is Castle, where the ground floor of one of the accomodation blocks is unfit for habitation and the promised refurbishment has been delayed.
Have fun perfecting your interview technique.
Rest from Unis. Finally.
RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky Posted Oct 8, 2005
Well, I said 'latest' -- it looks as though the edition of Palatinate I was referring to dates from the end of the last adademic year, but the site still hasn't had its news section updated to reflect that. This may have something to do with Palatinate's possibly having been hit by the financial problems; I'll have to try to find out what's currently going on.
Rest from Unis. Finally.
LQ - Just plain old LQ Posted Nov 2, 2005
Update: I've got a conditional offer (AAB) from B'ham already. Not bad. However, that's one of my lower to see if anywhere else snaps me up as eagerly....
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Rest from Unis. Finally.
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