This is a Journal entry by weirdo07

I can't understand...

Post 1


This is an excerpt from a letter to a friend. It was caused by an entry which I stumbled across in my hootoo wanderings.Peer Review: A19298820 - How to perform an Exorcism. (I couldn't help posting to the discussion following it, too. Avoiding threads which feature christian bashing is one thing, but condoning a Guide entry which makes laughing stocks of believers seemed wrong.)
I'm putting this letter here in the hope that the people who were kind to me during my first months on this site can help me understand...
'I seem to believe that a community centered around a common intellectual enterprise (in this case, 'A Guide to life, Universe and everything') must have a common mentality.
I can't put up with a picture of a kaleidoscope of mentalities that have no common ground at all. The brainchild of such a disagreeing and fighting bunch of people clearly can't be viable.
I don't mind the 'diversity'/'pluralism' kind of thing. However, just as it does in my country, this standpoint falls short of expectations when it comes to religious faith or feelings of national identity.
If this kind of entry goes into the Guide, it means
'catholics are not invited here', because it clearly ridicules their praying practice, their priests, and, ultimately, their faith.This mockery seems to be the intention of the writer. What is the intention of the community, or does, in fact, such thing as a community exist here? Am I deceiving myself, thinking that a few people who discussed and approved of this entry are 'vox populi'? Who are the editors, who finally decide what is going to represent the thinking and creativity of h2g2 researchers? What beliefs are they guided by?'

I can't understand...

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit perfectly happy wearing a specific brand of swimming wear
"smiley - star What is the intention of the community, or does, in fact, such thing as a community exist here?

smiley - moon The community does exist.
smiley - moon 'The community' has no intention but spending some time, learning a bit teaching a bit and generally be 'nice' to each other. There are always individual exceptions just proof this is a mirror of real life communities.

smiley - star Who are the editors, who finally decide what is going to represent the thinking and creativity of h2g2 researchers? What beliefs are they guided by?'

smiley - moon < <./>Team</.> >
smiley - moon < <./>/bbctrust/framework/charter.html</.> >

If you think an Entry is incorrect or unbalanced, the way to go is < <./>FeedBack-Editorial</.> >.

If you feel insulted or embarresed by any particular part of content smiley - yikes ! "

I can't understand...

Post 3

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I don't believe her concern is that the entry is "unbalanced", because it does seem to quote everything verbatim. Her point, and one I agree with, is that it seems to be written purely for the sport, the fun, of ridiculing the whole procedure. Which is an important piece of the whole structure of their faith, their beliefs, and hence their personal lives. Which is simply very cruel, and very wrong.

Perhaps if a disclaimer were to preface it, to declare that it IS a tongue-in-cheek perspective, and is NOT specifically intended to cause insult? Somehow, someone ought to be able to discern who the sub-editor is, and ask for atleast this much.

WO7, I disagree that this is a "community". There is a primary goal, which everyone has agreed to try to adhere to. But in fact, the Researchers that make up this site actually seem to comprise a vast number of 'communities'. And some of them are here solely for the opportunity to ridicule, insult and shred anyone of a belief other than their own. Fortunately, though very vocal, they are a very small part of it. NOT the voice of the whole site.

I can't understand...

Post 4


Thank you, Traveller in time.
smiley - star The Queen's page is great, but I haven't yet made out how it grants freedom of conscience to BBC customers. Hope to find it out eventually.
smiley - star I feel reluctant, in fact repulsed, to press the smiley - yikes button for two reasons:
a) I am not a part of the UK civil society and still feel - may always feel - an outsider on h2g2
b) I come from a country where reporting has a very bad reputation (this may account for *our* problems with creating a civil society smiley - bigeyes)
After all, if that's what the Guide must be - it must.It's still mostly harmless.
We've seen much less vegetarian enterprises where I am. My land is soaked in the blood of martyrs, religious or not. That's what makes us so sensitive.

I can't understand...

Post 5


Thank you Nick, for your understanding and support.
I too hope it will make a difference.
After all, there are quite a few good things I've found on this site, and it would be ungrateful of me to be totally indifferent to the way it looks to the world smiley - smiley

I can't understand...

Post 6

The H2G2 Editors

Hello WO7,

We're very sorry that this entry has caused you distress. This is never a desired outcome for our h2g2 users!

>>>Am I deceiving myself, thinking that a few people who discussed and approved of this entry are 'vox populi'?

The entry on exorcism, as yet, is not an Edited Guide entry. There is a subbing process, then an in-house editorial process before the entry is officially approved. The entry has not yet had the rubber stamp of the Editorial Team. We can look at the tone of the entry, maybe give it a disclaimer as Rev Nick says, and address some of your concerns in-house. We tolerate all sorts of contrasting opinions in the Edited Guide; we don't tolerate baiting. Your concerns are taken seriously.

>>>If this kind of entry goes into the Guide, it means 'catholics are not invited here', because it clearly ridicules their praying practice, their priests, and, ultimately, their faith.

This is categorically not the case. We must be very emphatic about this. Catholics are as welcome as Jews, Presbyterians, Muslims, Jains, Zorastrians, Atheists, Pagans, Spaghetti Monsterians, etc, etc. I'd ask you to look at the variety of Entries we currenly have in the Religions, Beliefs, Doctrines and Practises section of the Edited Guide (C538). You'll find entries coming from the irreverent and clearly non-believing perspective, to those entries that are entirely different in their approach, ones that originate from the perspective of 'belief'.

Many thanks for your feedback,

h2g2 Editors

I can't understand...

Post 7


Thank you, dear editors, for your attention to my concerns.
smiley - starI would like to emphasise, from a Spagetti Monstrarian's perspective, that what exactly shocked me, was that the bulk of the Entry consists of long excerpts from fellow believers' official prayer books. There's very little stuff apart from it.
Sorry if you had seen my point from the start.
smiley - star And, yes, I've had a look at the relevant section of the Guide
and was pleased to find some well-balanced and tactful Entries.

I can't understand...

Post 8

The H2G2 Editors

>>>Thank you, dear editors, for your attention to my concerns.

No worries, we take them seriously and we'll look at the entry when it comes back to us. smiley - ok

I can't understand...

Post 9


Dear Elena,smiley - flyhi I read through the posting you sent me and have posted a response to the article on the thread in question. Personally I feel sorry for the person who wrote it and shall pray for them I feel they must be deeply hurt or angry on some level to write in so hostile a manner.

I hope you are feeling a little better thank you for challenging me to think about this issue and examine my faith a fresh to see what it is I believe and why, I admire your courage to speak up and state what you believe. I am glad I stumbled across you on Hootoosmiley - flyhi

I can't understand...

Post 10


Thank you Hayayfi!smiley - smiley
My questions are being answered, which is very comforting.smiley - ok
Perhaps the only common ground for all the different mentalities on hootoo should be respect for other people's feelings? (smiley - bigeyes is *the urge to hurt other people's feelings* a feeling too, and therefore should be respected smiley - cdouble)

I can't understand...

Post 11


After considering this for a few days smiley - cdouble I looked up the word urge smiley - huh and according to the dictionary it means:

to induce, to form a plan or to advocate or entreat

no mention of feelings smiley - silly

so respecting one anothers feelings can be the basis for common ground smiley - hug

and we don't have to respect this urge to hurt or mock smiley - evilgrin as it's not a feeling its just naughty smiley - zen

I can't understand...

Post 12


smiley - angel

I can't understand...

Post 13

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


I thoroughly agree!


I can't understand...

Post 14

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

smiley - zen

ALWAYS take the words here as just that, words. Of themselves, and from immeasureable miles, they are 'mostly harmless'. smiley - smiley

I can't understand...

Post 15

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - book

I can't understand...

Post 16

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

You really ARE dropping a lot of books this evening. In fora and message centres of select professed Christians. Doing research perhaps?

I can't understand...

Post 17

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Just for future reference. I hope you have no objections, I realise that this will bring up the convos on a lot of PSs but I saw no other way other than tediously copying and pasting the addys on some document that I would undoubtedly loose. smiley - smiley

I can't understand...

Post 18

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

No objections at all. If not you, then someone else of a fairly small group would have likely dredged these threads up anyway. Because of the common thread, ... one particular researcher. It happens all the time, dusting off mouldy threads for one reason or another.

The Lady WO7 had her mind eased about the whole business that spawned this thread long ago. And she is a strong woman, so a resurgence won't distress her, I'm sure. smiley - cheers

I can't understand...

Post 19

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Thank you for your kind reassurance, and if she should read this I hope she is well and happy.

I can't understand...

Post 20

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Last mails indicated that she and her expanded tribe are all doing amazingly well in Moscow. Each making their own marks on the world. smiley - smiley

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