This is a Journal entry by Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

I'd do my evil laugh again, but I'm not up for it right now.

Post 1

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

A2981216 has also been accepted for editing!!! That's like--freaking three!!! Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I'm cool. That's right.

We've only got one more day of school left. YAY.

I'd do my evil laugh again, but I'm not up for it right now.

Post 2

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

Well, I'd say congratulations again, but I'm not up for it either. smiley - tongueout

I'd do my evil laugh again, but I'm not up for it right now.

Post 3

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

That's okay. You said it before. Yep.

I'd do my evil laugh again, but I'm not up for it right now.

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Wahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! that kind of evil laught? smiley - biggrinsmiley - goodluck

I'd do my evil laugh again, but I'm not up for it right now.

Post 5

I'm Better than You Man, known elsewhere as Gloogorshkin!

I think his would have either a "Bwa" or a "Mwa" to start though. Not just a "Wa."

I'd do my evil laugh again, but I'm not up for it right now.

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Hmm smiley - space Bwahahahahahahahah smiley - erm I see....

I'd do my evil laugh again, but I'm not up for it right now.

Post 7

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

My evil laugh is more of a "Mwa-ha-ha..." than a "Bwa-ha-ha...". These things are very important to consider.

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