This is a Journal entry by MaW

Christmas meet-up

Post 1


Well I just got back after an arduous train ride from St Pancras. It's 0145, Sunday 26th November 2000.

The first problem wasn't finding Charing Cross tube station, for the directions given to me first by Peta, and then by Bluebottle, turned out to be surprisingly accurate smiley - smiley The problem I had was that once I finally reached King's Cross/St. Pancras Underground station, I couldn't seem to find my way to St. Pancras. King's Cross is easy - been there loads of times - but St. Pancras is another thing entirely, especially when there are three signs to it, ALL POINTING IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS. I found it eventually though, and even managed to get a table seat on the train, although the table on the other side of the carriage was soon populated by a load of noisy French girls, and another table further down was occupied by some noisy British blokes later on. Thankfully they all got off at Leicester so I was able to snooze from there until Nottingham, which has given me just enough time to finish this post and have a shower before I pass out.

The meetup itself was wonderful, a big thankyou to everyone who organised it. Pastey's quiz was very mean and cruel in places, Towelmaster beat Mark Moxon at bowling (although not by all that much), and I'm sure the other passengers on the bus from bowling to the pub weren't too impressed with us... certainly the guy in front of me seemed to become so intensely absorbed in his newspaper I was a bit worried it was going to burst into flames.

Oh well, now the room's swaying a bit so I'd better get some sleep. The taxi journey from the station reminded me not a small amount of the last time I was on a rollercoaster...

Christmas meet-up

Post 2

I'm not really here

Galaxy Babe, Dr E Vibenstein and I are all still on that rollercoaster. smiley - smiley
I think I'm still drunk..

Christmas meet-up

Post 3


Too many of those red drinks, whatever they were. Nice colour though. I impressed myself by only sleeping until ten past eleven this morning.

Christmas meet-up

Post 4

I'm not really here

Well done I applaud you. smiley - smiley We all got up by 10am.

Christmas meet-up

Post 5


* faints *

Christmas meet-up

Post 6

I'm not really here

I think it was the alcohol leaving my system. The shock woke me up.

Christmas meet-up

Post 7


Ah right, that would explain it yes...

Christmas meet-up

Post 8

I'm not really here

I was missing vital fluid!

Christmas meet-up

Post 9


Despite the actions of that selfless fluid-donor Zebedee? smiley - winkeye

Christmas meet-up

Post 10


Do I want to know what that means?

Christmas meet-up

Post 11

I'm not really here

Probably not. smiley - winkeye
But it wasn't as filthy as it sounded.

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