This is a Journal entry by MaW
Happy day...
Prof OE Posted Feb 25, 2000
Congrats ! I failed - swerved to avoid a Mini, and found a bus !
Happy day...
MaW Posted Feb 25, 2000
That was my second attempt - the first time I did lots of things wrong, but the major ones were:
1: swerved into a parking position between two cars to avoid hitting a dustbin lorry, in the process driving onto the grass verge (up a really big kerb)
2: took ten minutes to turn right out of a junction
3: really mucked up the gear changing coming off the A14 dual carriageway
but the examiner did bad things too:
1: was rude
2: used the dual controls without telling me and without explaining why or marking it on the form
Which was really inexcusable. Thankfully I got someone different the second time
Happy day...
Prof OE Posted Feb 28, 2000
That was my first attempt. Apparently 85%of men who fail first time pass second time, so I should get round to doing it again sometime (August probably).
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Happy day...
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