This is a Journal entry by MaW


Post 1


(20020516 1750BST)
Time seems to be slipping through my fingers again. Revision is necessary of course, but it seems to go so slowly and take up so much time I'd far rather be using to enjoy myself. In the mean time, the necessities of life - food, shopping and h2g2 - continue to demand my attention.

I've been looking forward to the exams since the group projects got into full swing, but now they're over, I'm looking forward to after the exams even more.


Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i want to print this out and give it to your tutor


Post 3


No you don't.


Post 4

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

yes i do

how did the exam go.....

you dont have to answer that by the way


Post 5


It was okay. Could've been an enormous amount worse, although I'm sure CoCoMo wasn't in any of the lectures...

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