This is a Journal entry by MaW


Post 1


(20020316 0019GMT)

Well, I've got one piece of coursework out of the way - next two due in on Thing and Poets... and I have a third year project sorted out! Woohoo!

Things are looking up. A bit.


Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

what's your project on then?



Post 3


I'm writing a compiler for an artificial language (in that it was invented for a compilers textbook) called Triangle. I'm writing the compiler in the functional language Haskell (which I have an Edited Entry on), and then when it's done I'm going to compare it to the Java implementation of the same compiler in the aforementioned textbook to compare the implementation in the two different languages.

Expectation is that the Haskell version will be about half as long (maybe shorter) and a lot simpler. Haskell rocks.


Post 4

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

groovey baby



Post 5


Oh yes. And I have a good supervisor too.

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