This is a Journal entry by MaW
Exam Results!
MaW Started conversation Feb 8, 2002
(20020208 1249GMT)
Got some exam results yesterday! I only took five modules last semester (the group project doesn't really count because it spans both this semester and last semester) and one of those hasn't been marked yet, but the marks I have are...
Computer Communications and Networking (G52CCN): 69%
Algorithms and Data Structures (G52ADS): 64%
Computer Graphics (G5BGRA): 63%
Database Systems (G52DBS): 77%
Which makes an average of just over 68%, which isn't bad really... if I'm very lucky and the mark for Professionalism, Ethical and Quality Issues (G52PQI) is decent, I might just be able to tweak up over 70%, which is a first instead of a 2:1... however, I find this unlikely because PQI was one of those modules you just flounder through and continually wonder why you have to do it.
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Exam Results!
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