This is a Journal entry by MaW
Ah, h2g2!
MaW Started conversation Mar 3, 2001
Well h2g2 is now owned by the BBC - there are some changes obviously, but on the whole it looks pretty good. So far it looks like it's me one, pessimists zero...
Hee hee hee *giggle*
Ah, h2g2!
shrinkwrapped Posted Mar 8, 2001
May I just point out that the same company that now own h2g2 also employ Jim Davidson? Hmm?
Not so optimistic NOW are we MaW?
Now, back to the chocolate. Dear me, if my mother could see this...
Ah, h2g2!
MaW Posted Mar 8, 2001
So? This is BBC New Media, that's BBC Entertainment. A world of difference my Mad friend... a world of difference.
Need I point out that it's the same BBC that show Star Trek in the UK for those of us who don't pay through the nose for cable or satellite, and the same BBC who gave us French and Saunders?
Ah, h2g2!
FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page Posted Mar 13, 2001
and black adder
and buffy
and red dwarf
and robotwars (big razor fan me)
BUT (in the interests of being non biased and presenting a balenced view which can in no way be misconstrued as an advertisment i feel the need to point out that (
they didnt give us:
the others
ANGEL ( how could they!? Angel is awful with adverts)
and to the best of my knowledge no one has yet given England 'ForeverKnight' I discovered a really cool web site for this while h2g2 was off line and now I'm desparate to see it. but not desparate enough to buy the videos.
All in all I have no real objeaction to the Beeb, except for sport, news, eastenders and the cancellation of science fiction at random for no reason other than robot games and snooker! still fuming.
ho hum. can't have everything. better go look for the shift key. seems to be missing. there's certainly a lack of capital letters around here and i don't want MaW to rap my knuckles again.
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Ah, h2g2!
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