This is a Journal entry by Tube - the being being back for the time being


Post 61

Researcher 168814

Ei wudd gess itt woz ä link...


Post 62

Floh Fortuneswell

Zätz possibl.


Post 63

Researcher 168814

Häff ju red äbaut ze äitees-paadie ät toobö, flow?


Post 64

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Oh drät! Ai wud häv biin sooo gläd to ättend ze pahti, batt zere ahr *zree* fämili pahties on zis wikend, itz dschast impossibel!


Post 65

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Änt zät pahtti wil *rok*! smiley - cool


Post 66

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Oh juh dschast wont to maik mih envijes!


Post 67

Tube - the being being back for the time being

smiley - whistle
Oahl ei kän sai is zät juh wohntt zi mi dresst ap äs a häwi-mätal friek ätt juur fämilie pahttis! smiley - tongueout


Post 68

Researcher 168814

Wiel zer be sät song bei ÄseeDieSee: Ei on ze Hai weg tu hell?


Post 69

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Noh! Zilli! Zät song is frohm 1979. smiley - tongueout
Butt wi häf some asser ÄseeDieSee, Eiron Meidn, Slaia, Akzept, Gunznroses, Dät Kennedies and Däiwit Hässelhoff smiley - yikes


Post 70

Researcher 168814

No choke, eh?


Post 71

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Noh. Zis is siries schtuff. smiley - winkeye


Post 72

Researcher 168814

det sieries...smiley - skull


Post 73

Floh Fortuneswell

Aim sorry for bijing offlain sou long. Jess, Aif redd äbaut ze paaty. Bat Aim gouing tu häf mai oun won smiley - winkeye


Post 74

Researcher 168814

*smiley - cool*


Post 75

Floh Fortuneswell

*smiley - laugh*


Post 76

Researcher 168814

*smiley - tongueout*


Post 77

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Reading the house rules I know that I'm allowed to post English words. Noone said that they have to make sense. I will now explain the menstruations of Skat, which is a card-game gambled from three players. Everyone becomes 10 cards and the last 2 go in the stick. Then you look your cards on. Now watch which boys you have: with one plays two, with two plays three ... etc. (But attention: Without one plays also two etc ...). This you multiply with the colour you want to play. When you have a good leaf you can say 18. Some people say 18 also when they have nothing to order. When the others have also what on the hands they say 10, 22, null, and so further - until all are gone and one gets the play.

smiley - silly


Post 78

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

And when you have forgotten to press two cards then you have lost the game. Or, if you have not enough boys and the others say 'Kontra' and you say 'Re' and they say 'Bock' and you say 'Sub' and you don't get enough points in the end then it really becomes expensive and you can must let your trousers down. smiley - silly

* wonders what archaeologists will make out of that if they dig out a BBC server in some 500 years smiley - winkeye *


Post 79


smiley - laugh


Post 80

Researcher 168814

Häffing bean remaindet buy Toobö off zis wunderbar konversäyshon Ei äm rahzer expektent if zis postingk will gett moderäted...

*had a good laugh going through that one*

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