This is a Journal entry by Tube - the being being back for the time being

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Post 1

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Heard the German radio series, read the English books. The Pan edition with the 42 on the spine. Sat in a desert. Met a wonderful person. Talked to her because she read TRATEOTU. Spent hours quoting passages. Laughed like hell. Kept the friendship through dire times and sandy beaches. Wrote letters and quoted. Been doing that for the last 9 years. Maybe it saved my life ... or just my sanity.
Thanks for that.
Lying in hospital after having all four wisdom teeth extracted in one go. Read Dirk Gently. As soon as I was conscious enough to do so. Laughed till I spat blood. That got the staff worried.
Thanks for that.

Thanks for books that bring people together. Give strangers a place to start talking. Go somewhere with a towel that says "Don't Panic!" and one will be greeted by stangers.
Thanks for that.

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Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

smiley - cry
smiley - hug

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Post 3

Tube - the being being back for the time being

smiley - blue
smiley - hug!
smiley - cry

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Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - cry

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