This is a Journal entry by Tube - the being being back for the time being


Post 1

Tube - the being being back for the time being

How very strange. Is it really necessary that it takes more time to get an entry past the Moderators than it takes to write the wretched thing? Especially when there's (obviously? - Nah, probably not...!?) no indication that it might breach the House Rules?
Quis custodet custodes? [Note to Moderator to prevent unnecessary work: That's Latin, meaning: Who guards the Guards?]
The researchers, as they will turn to the Mod Help Desk. Thus, if it is us who are watching the Watchers. Couldn't we just watch ourselves?
TPTB want to prove that we are responsible - grown up - enough to care for ourselves. To show that, they treat us as irresponsible children. And scorn our mistakes. How are we to show that we can act responsibly? Especially if the Guards check on everything and thus leave no room for us to check upon.
We can only check upon the Guards. What will come of that? If we show that the Guards are not doing their job properly, they will only be replaced. If we assume that they are not doing their job properly (see the busy Mod-Desk) they depict us as behaving badly even though we are not. Thus making themselves neccessary.
A self-fulfilling prophecy.

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