This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 81

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Fignity? Crivvens I love coincidental freudian typos!

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 82


You got a two-for-one offer on dignity and decorum, Ivan?

smiley - cool


Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 83


Dignity is a burrowing parasitic infection of the mind. Decorum is a parasitic infestation found in wallpaper, bathroom tiling, and Ikea furniture.

The eggs will hatch in Ivan's soul in around three days. Then woe betide anyone who tries to feed him apricots with the wrong type of fork.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 84

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Forkin' hell - I sent him a crate of tinned apricots yesterday! Can anybody local intercept it?

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 85



Icky eggs of thingys hatching inside Ivan's soul? Gross! smiley - winkeye

Meanwhile, don't knock IKEA. We got some very good tables from them last week - though had to pay a small fortune to have them delivered (we don't own a car). Talk about a consumer-unfriendly company!


Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 86


Ah, but you will have to pay twice as much for them to take the stuff away when you find you can't erect them! These Swedes never give you enough screws to be able to do the job i find.smiley - winkeye

*hands hijacked thread back to smutmasters*


Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 87

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Don't do yourself down T&Y, you're a smutmaster aswell!

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 88

Ivan the Terribly Average

I've never had anything to do with IKEA. Am I missing out on much?

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 89

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I wouldn't say so, all things considered. IMO, while they do stock a handful of good pieces now and then, for the most part it's overpriced dorm furniture.

However, in Azahar's case, the tables she got sound perfectly functional and like they utilize available space well, which is important in business-related equipment. It's just a shame that IKEA soaked her and Noggin on the delivery. smiley - cross

So I won't knock 'em too badly. And they are among several companies who don't make donations to conservative political organizations, so that works in their favor in my book.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 90


Well, depends on your taste really. The idea is that it's cheap & cheerful, but you have to erect it yourself & the things have bizarre Scandinavian names with lots of umlaĆ¼ts & the instructions are in some medieval Nordic language that time forgot.

*If* you are very lucky you may end up with a pine table. If not; you end up with several planks & smiley - headhurts

Oy Roymondo; yes, you over there, tsk tsk; MOI? smutty? Anyway, aren't you supposed to be chained up & whimpering on the stairs with 2 legs on the willy thread?

*marches off to tell Aye Beesmiley - pirate*

Poor Ivan, but 'tis your own fault love, with a title like that you will get every smutlover on hootoosmiley - droolsmiley - handcuffs over here. Don't worry, we all know you are personally a littlesmiley - angel with a fondness for totem poles & attractive kangaroos.


Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 91

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - laugh

Terri, you are giving away all his secrets! smiley - blush

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 92


No i'm not; would i give anything away?

I am selling them on ebaysmiley - evilgrin


Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 93

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Now that makes sense!.. smiley - biggrin

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