This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

A brief diary of the last couple of days...

Friday 30 December

Hung around office for at least half a day before deciding to go home on the grounds of lack of interest. On way home, decided to accept yesterday’s offer of lift to Sydney in morning. N is going down to spend New Year at her sister J’s place, and the invitation came from both of them. J is living in Lane Cove, in a house with views over the harbour. She’s sharing it with the grandson of the late owner while the state is being settled. Got home, washed clothes, dried clothes, packed same. Dithered for a while. Repacked clothes. Packed wine.

Saturday 31 December

Up early, just after 5. Watered garden lavishly, cleaned kitchen and bathroom, set off with N at about 11am. Met J and her passengers at Lake George. (Dry at the moment; I believe the water apparently visible on far side of lake to be a mirage.) J's car overheating; would only run with heater on, which isn't ideal in 39C weather. Travelled in convoy in case of car breakdown or nervous breakdown. Stopped first at Marulan and then again at Pheasant's Nest to wait for J. Got to her house after 4pm, two hours later than anticipated. Bought lots of beer en route; started the party on the verandah waiting for her. Went to supermarket and had unpleasant time of it – bare shelves, surly staff, mysterious stains on floor, screaming children, screaming parents, and a large display of Easter eggs. (smiley - yikes Yes, on New Year’s Eve.) Back to house, in shock and in desperate need of cold shower and clean shirt. Sydney weather humid and hot; not a nice combination. Various people appeared; all youngish scientists. Bizarre conversations ensued. Drank lots. Trooped up hill before midnight to watch the harbour fireworks. Trooped back down again afterwards for more drinks; rang Mum en route to wish her happy birthday. She was 63 in my timezone but still only 62 in hers, so it was a good tease. General collapse at 3am.

Sunday 1 January

No hangover - probably because alcohol was sweated out as soon as it was consumed. 28C at 7am. 45C by mid-afternoon. Pestilential weather. Lots of sitting in kitchen, with fan going. Then bookshopping as alternative to beach. Perfect airconditioned bliss. Saw a pigeon lying in the shade with its wings outstretched; nearby there was a cat sprawled in another patch of shade. Neither the cat nor the pigeon cared. Cool change came through after 9pm, dropping temperature to 38C which genuinely felt cool. Lots of filth in air. Covered in grit. Faint smell of smoke.

Monday 2 January.

Temperature was 20C at 8am. Rain. Pleasant drive home, especially by comparison with Saturday’s excursion. On arrival, found garden not dead despite worst fears. Slumped in corner, exhausted.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 2


*Hands Ivan a long, cool drink of water* smiley - smiley

We had clouds and -1 C, snow on the ground. Husband and I alone. Burning logs, good music, some talk, some silence.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 3


Have you recovered completely, Ivan?

And was it worth it?

I was at home, chatting to people in UK, drinking malt and developing a baggy head for the next morning smiley - tongueout

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 4

Ivan the Terribly Average

*swigs large amounts of water* Thanks for that. smiley - smiley

I've more or less recovered, though there's still some sleep to be had. The trip was worth it. The small details mattered most - things like sitting on a verandah looking at the harbour at the end of the garden, and the sheer bliss of that cool change, and the look on N's face when I drew her attention to the Easter eggs.

The fireworks were very pretty and all that, but I'm never especially impressed by fireworks. The mood of the crowd was more interesting. Complete peace and goodwill, and maybe just a touch of hippiness...

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 5


smiley - ok
So the grass is greener down there... *makes notes*
smiley - sillysmiley - winkeye

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 6

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's only greener when it's been watered. At the moment most of it's brown... smiley - silly

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 7


My "garden" at the windows is having hard times as well. But they both will recover. My camelia won't though, I'm afraid.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

You should write for <./>ThePost</.> I haven't laughed so much in ages!

Glad you enjoyed your New Year, Ivan.. smiley - ok

.. Oh.. .. Happy New Year too smiley - smooch

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 9

teri_whoo_77 *Goddess of Whoo* American Ambassador to the Council of Thing (Slightly Odd, Mostly Mellow, Rather Risque)

Happy New Year Ivan! Sounds like you had an interesting time, spent with good family and friends. Other than a quick cold snap, who could ask for more?

It's winter here right now, and we've spent the last week in the mid-20's. I'm loving it, but there will be h*ll to pay this summer if our winter is indicative of the season to come.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 10

Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh, for a cold snap... smiley - zen It'll happen. In six months' time I'll be moaning about subzero nights.

Lil, I'd write for The Post if I could be sure of having something to say on a regular basis. (Submitting a blank page might be funny once.) As things stand, I can do without extra deadlines. Every so often I do think about it, but it's all too exhausting.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 11


Happy New Year!

I got a good laugh out of the easter eggs -- I can't believe they are trying to sell them already, that is pathetic!

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 12

Ivan the Terribly Average

I hope the eggs all melt - that would serve them right.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 13


By the way, that's a great tag line *hot and sweaty and covered in grit* -- conjures up some very sexy images! smiley - blush Like that coca cola ad with the construction workers. smiley - winkeye

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 14

Ivan the Terribly Average

I thought using it as the heading might flush out a few lurkers. smiley - winkeye

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 15


Hmm, just goes to show, for me, far from sexy images i thought of asmiley - hotdogthat got dropped on the ground.


Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 16

Ivan the Terribly Average

I wonder why the whole hot/sweaty/gritty thing is considered sexy. It certainly doesn't feel sexy when it's happening.

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 17


I agree. Doing naughties in the sand dunes is enormously over-rated, sand gets everywhere you wouldn't wish it to & as for that rough grass stuff *ouch*

So, not seen this ad, i asume these are burly blokes swigging calorie laden gassy drinks & the sexy element is presumably "Take me home & fling me in the shower." Not "Come over there behind that cement mixer, this is a concrete offer m'dear."

Hmm; I think i'll pass on that one. But i am probably not representative of the female species on this sort of subject!


Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 18


>>"Come over there behind that cement mixer, this is a concrete offer m'dear."<<

smiley - laugh

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 19


Well... the hot and sweaty bit's fine with me smiley - bigeyessmiley - tongueout

I'll pass on the grit though smiley - laugh

Hot and sweaty and covered in grit.

Post 20

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


smiley - magic

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