This is a Journal entry by Websailor

PHM says Farewell

Post 41

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I'm sorry to hear the sad news and am pleased to see so many people are there for you smiley - smiley

PHM says Farewell

Post 42


Thank you everyone. The weather behaved sufficiently for everything to go ahead as planned, and the funeral service was lovely, a fitting end to a good life.

The messages, cards and tributes have meant a great deal to all of us, both RL and online.

Now we just have to face the hurdle of Christmas in terms of weather and see if your plans go pear shaped. Things have gone so well so I hope it continues for a while at least.

Happy Christmas everyone and a Peaceful New Year. Don't forget to to raise a smiley - stiffdrink to absent friends, Pheloxi, Zendevil and PHM and anyone I might have missed.

Websailor smiley - dragon

PHM says Farewell

Post 43

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I am already planning to do that, Webbysmiley - brave

virtualsmiley - stiffdrinkabsent friends

PHM says Farewell

Post 44


I will be thinking of you too GB. I hope your flu is gone soon.

Happy Christmas smiley - holly

Websailor smiley - dragon

PHM says Farewell

Post 45


I would like to extend my condolences as well. smiley - rose

One of the things I've been tied up with of late, a neighbor just lost his wife of 64 years.

There is something to the changing seasons.smiley - sadface

PHM says Farewell

Post 46

Gnomon - time to move on


when I was about 15, about 2 weeks before Christmas, my cousin was killed in a motorbike accident. We went to visit my aunt, his mother, on Christmas Day and we were under strict instructions from my father not to wish her a Happy Christmas, as it couldn't possibly be happy for her. I've always regretted that I did what I was told and kept my mouth shut.

So I'm not going to be quiet now. I wish you a Happy Christmas - I hope some of the Christmas spirit warms you up and gives you some consolation. And somewhere out there are young foxes and badgers who are big and strong because of you feeding them, and so life goes on.

Make it a peaceful Christmas - take it easy and be thankful for what you've got, and that PHM is at peace.

smiley - rosesmiley - xmaspudsmiley - redwine

PHM says Farewell

Post 47


Gnomon, Bless you, what a lovely message. I firmly believe we have to let the past go and get on with the present and the future, and PHM wouldn't have wanted it any other way. If I was moping and grieving I am sure I would feel his disapproval, instead of which we have all said, independently, we feel his presence still smiley - smiley

We have a gorgeous granddaughter who is a delight and a tonic and as it is her first Christmas we are going to enjoy it. I will no doubt have my bad moments but I don't intend to inflict them on anybody else.

If you continually dwell on what you have lost rather than all that you had, it is a sure road to depression in my opinion.

smiley - holly So I will wish you and yours, and anyone else reading, a Very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.smiley - cracker

Websailor smiley - dragon

PHM says Farewell

Post 48


WS! I found this very moving, when attenting the funeral of a friend recently. Hope you find it comforting smiley - hug

PHM says Farewell

Post 49


I lost my husband nearly 5 years ago now and he's still talked about when the family are together. Yesterday during Christmas dinner there were quite a few "Do you remember when Jeff..." moments and they really make it feel like he's still part of the family, just not physically. My three year old niece knows who her uncle Jeff is even though she was born almost a year after he'd died, because he's so often talked about and there are photos she asks about.

I've moved on from my loss but I do get a great deal of happiness from my memories as well. I'm sure it'll be the same for you.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Websailor.

Deb smiley - cheerup

PHM says Farewell

Post 50


Thank you both. We had a lovely day yesterday, full of joy and laughter. It was very strange but it felt as if the PHM of old was with us in spirit with none of the grumpiness he had exhibited through his pain. Very odd. The little charmer had us in fits of laughter and it didn't seem in the least wrong smiley - smiley

It has brought us all closer together, and in spite of everything I am looking forward to 20ll. I intend to see it as a new beginning. If anyone sees even a trace of the Black Dog around me, please kick it in to touch.

Happy New Year everyone smiley - stiffdrink

Websailor smiley - dragon

PHM says Farewell

Post 51


Thank you Scorp, I have one or two verses like that and I always keep them, as they help me and have helped others.

I think you can see we are taking that advice as much as we can.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

PHM says Farewell

Post 52


*Waits till Webby and the RSPCA aren't looking*

**Kicks Black smiley - dogsmiley - space up the backside, "Clear orf, you ain't wanted 'ere" smiley - whistle

smiley - cuddlesmiley - spaceAll the best for 2011 Websailor smiley - spacesmiley - smooch

smiley - cat

PHM says Farewell

Post 53

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

you always know where to find me Webbiesmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

PHM says Farewell

Post 54


Thanks BMT, it is lovely to hear from you again, I thought you had fallen out with me smiley - sadface

There is going to be a memorial service at Middleton for PHM when the weather gets better. If you can get there it would be nice to see you.

How are you these days? I am sorry I haven't been keeping up to speed with things lately for obvious reasons.


Prof, I have hopes of getting up your way some time in the Spring. Will let you know if a visit materialises. People say all sorts of things at emotional times so I will wait and see. We would certainly like to come and see you if we can manage it.

Websailor smiley - dragon

PHM says Farewell

Post 55


It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, which is as it should be. I so wish my mother had your attitude.

PHM says Farewell

Post 56

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

my door is never locked to friends Webbiesmiley - smoochsmiley - hugyour welcome any time and Nigel alsosmiley - smiley

PHM says Farewell

Post 57

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi webbie

sorry i havent been able to write a personal mesge of condolence till now

my xmas as been a nightmare for over a week.

kat, the thinker was kind enough to add me to hers.

thanks for your email, ive sent back a reply,from home.

please keep intouch, i dont get many emails these days, all my old digi groups as gone now. the last to disappear was shakira.

h2g2 holds nothing for me now, kayt and few others keep in touch by phone or emails. take care smiley - rose jimbobxxx

PHM says Farewell

Post 58


Hypatia, I was determined that what happened would not spoil Christmas and it didn't. It was a very precious day for all of us. I am not good at dwelling on bad things and thankfully all the family felt the same, so it didn't feel disloyal. He didn't much like Christmas or birthdays or anything like that anyway. Goodness knows what he thought of the funeral though smiley - biggrin


Jimcracker, I got your message via Thinker, thank you. Off to check emails now.

Websailor smiley - dragon

PHM says Farewell

Post 59

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Goodness knows what he thought of the funeral though :-
if he went as he lived, a Yorkshiremansmiley - smileyhe'll have had two words to say HOW MUCH!

with respects to PHM

that's why I've left my body to medical sciencesmiley - biggrinI'm going for nowtsmiley - smiley

PHM says Farewell

Post 60


Prof, you are so right, he nearly fell out of bed when I told him what the new shower cost smiley - rofl

I will be in touch by snail mail soon, I just have a heap of paperwork to get through first, and phone calls smiley - grr

Websailor smiley - dragon

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