This is a Journal entry by The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

Class 2 contributions

Post 21


Bit lost here. Did I post something untoward?

Class 2 contributions

Post 22

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

I think someone may have been letting off smiley - steam
smiley - hug no worries smiley - cheers

Class 2 contributions

Post 23


Phew,and smiley - ta as I thought it must have been my Shark Tale posting...smiley - cheers

Class 2 contributions

Post 24

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Which one was that?

Class 2 contributions

Post 25


Go back a page and open the link on my posting there, about a bloke who was attacked by a smiley - shark..

smiley - cheers

Class 2 contributions

Post 26

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

smiley - shark man was very lucky! smiley - yikes Is that you?

Class 2 contributions

Post 27


Not me otherwise I would be rich with a Shark Tale like that..smiley - rofl.
Might see a smiley - shark today though, as it is Australia Day so it's beach beer and bbq time....smiley - magic

Class 2 contributions

Post 28

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

Have fun then! smiley - footprintssmiley - towelsmiley - cool

Class 2 contributions

Post 29


smiley - ta we will..have to wait for Jodi to pick me up first...smiley - ok

Class 2 contributions

Post 30

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

Which Jodi would that be? smiley - erm

Class 2 contributions

Post 31


My eldest daughter is Jodi, then Kylie, then Michael, then Christopher...and all the grandkids..6 of them and 3 more due in April/May...smiley - magic

Class 2 contributions

Post 32

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

I gave of my relaxation CD's to a young lady called Jody.
She never got back to me and I never took any money for it.
I shall have to investigate that further some time later on in the year.

Back to the original subject of Class 2 contributions:

I was such a small business this year I earned less than £2,000 which means I should be able to claim some sort of allowance.
The name of it escapes me at the moment but I shall look into it after I have dealt with the 6 other bills that arrived on the doormat this morning.

Heigh Ho! Lovely talking to you I'll read the smiley - shark message again later smiley - hug

Class 2 contributions

Post 33

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)


Class 2 contributions

Post 34

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

I just rang up the National Insurance place and how nice it was to discover they answered the telephone straight away, I gave them the required information and put the phone day. The call took less than 3 minutes. This is so much better than those ridiculous 'options' one has to listen to these days that leave one hanging on and on and on and on. Do we really have time for all of that?

Thank you to the NI people smiley - ok

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