This is a Journal entry by The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

Class 2 contributions

Post 1

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

I am pleased to say I now know what they are and have successfully downloaded my self-assessment forms from

For more information about such practicalities you can go to: for downloadable return and for supplementary pages smiley - smiley

Hey ho! I wondered whether the still sell bottles of 103 brandy in Spain, no doubt my accountant won't tell me when he gets back from holiday because I don't need him any more now.

smiley - tasmiley - ta

Class 2 contributions

Post 2

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

I had trouble with my online application form smiley - steam but I am pleased to say that it is all sorted now.

I went into my local tax office and the people there were extremely helpful and friendly. I have also made my payment so it should get there in time.

I think I might start doing my self-assessment returns ASAP next time it wasn't all that difficult! smiley - ok Now that I know how.

Class 2 contributions

Post 3


smiley - peacedove

Class 2 contributions

Post 4


Gee Whiz, here in Oz we have had self assessment for years and doing your returns on line is a breeze. The forms are so simple and instructions are easy to follow. Mind you, we can't claim much at all, unless you have a business. PAYE workers like me still get a refund though.

smiley - cheers and smiley - goodluck


Class 2 contributions

Post 5

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

I'm pleased to hear it! Hopefully I should get a refund.
Business was very bad last year.

Thanks for the smiley - goodluck

Are you in Oz magazine, Australia or some other sort of Oz?

Class 2 contributions

Post 6


Australia, its the only Oz! smiley - cheers

Class 2 contributions

Post 7


smiley - cool good on ya! dingo smiley - dog

Class 2 contributions

Post 8


Not a real native dingo, I was born in England and came here as a child....smiley - magic

Class 2 contributions

Post 9


Many people move from England to Australia.
Are you happy there?

Class 2 contributions

Post 10


My word I am. it is a beautiful place. I live in a city called Wollongong, just south of Sydney. Close to the beach and the mountains. All my kids live nearby, and the weather is fantastic.

I have never been back to England but will finally make the trip in July, all going well.

smiley - cheers


Class 2 contributions

Post 11


I read your introduction, yes you do look happy smiley - smiley

Hopefully it will be warm enough for you in England in July smiley - biggrin

Class 2 contributions

Post 12


smiley - ta for that ladye_seagull..smiley - hug. Better to be happy than sad though.

Not too worried if the weather is a bit cooler than here though, as long as I can get to a beach I will be happy...smiley - cheers

P.S. May I add you to my Friends List please?


Class 2 contributions

Post 13


Feel Free smiley - cool

smiley - peacedove

Class 2 contributions

Post 14


Thank you kindly...smiley - magic

Class 2 contributions

Post 15

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

smiley - zen you're welcome smiley - chick

Now you can start getting ready for next years' accounts.
"A stitch in time saves nine..." smiley - wizard

Class 2 contributions

Post 16


I like this story...Eden is down the Far South Coast, a few hours from here..

Class 2 contributions

Post 17

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

You can find some other sucker to help out as Assistant Editor and save the Post Office. Your sexist jokes are in extremely poor taste.

Class 2 contributions

Post 18

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

smiley - erm I think ChiKiSpirit is going to call her book:
"How to win friends and Influence people (nottttttt)..."
I hope you all have a lovely day.
I can't help either I'm too busy with the Girl Guides.

Class 2 contributions

Post 19

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

I'll be interested to see if they come up with any original ideas now that we've all walked out.

Class 2 contributions

Post 20

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

smiley - erm

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