This is a Journal entry by Imaldris

The breatles, Pink Floyd, and Radio head.

Post 1


 These three bands are the best bands in the galaxy. I advise listening to them all day. Let them be the SOUNDTRACK (TO YOUR LIFE) (CR GIMLY REMEMER THIS)

Sparklehorse, Spacehog and Monster Magnet

Post 2


are my faves, but I like yours too.

Sparklehorse, Spacehog and Monster Magnet

Post 3


Breatles ? ! ? ! ! ! what are Breatles? they sound like Furbies ! ! !

Sparklehorse, Spacehog and Monster Magnet

Post 4


ah. cmon you know what i meant!! THE BEATLES!!! arg, it wuz onlie ah typoe.... :0

Breatles Pleetles Banana Fanna Fo Feetles

Post 5


I love the White Album and Revolver. But I like heaps of their stuff. . .
Yay for the beatles. But I hate elvis!!

Breatles Pleetles Banana Fanna Fo Feetles

Post 6


the white album is the best, the antholigies are really good toooooo. I think elvis lives on an island with the late rapper Tu Pac Shakur. I dont like elvis much either. If i ever see him I'll stomp on his blue suede shoes for ya. (bon sai, i'm following you now... hahahaha !)


Post 7


I like the anthologies too but I didn't like the new tracks that came out a couple of years ago. They were best when they were mucking around with drugs and/or god. Artists often seem to be at their best (or at least their art does) when mucking around with drugs and/or god.
(the tables are turned - now I am following you! a hahaha! (evil laugh type laugh)).

Breatles Pleetles Banana Fanna Fo Feetles

Post 8


They don't even speak the same language. They have probably started a gang war on their island. Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain are probably getting on pretty well. . . there's probably a whole resort somewhere full of rock stars who faked their own deaths.

Breatles Pleetles Banana Fanna Fo Feetles

Post 9


Do you think they perfrom concerts for eachother on this island or they just sit on their fat asses, eat, drug, and whatever. I guess the latter. You are definitely correct with beatles and almost all other bands being better while on drugs. There is a quote, "If you believe that drugs are bad, go take all your tapes, cds, and othere things and burn them, because the artists who made them were real f**king high on drugs..." -father maynard , yes and when they stop the drugs they usually just get a nice vh1 special on how bad their lives were and that rehab was good all though but now we are poor....because no one likes a ninny without their drugs...hahah i follow again..... later


Post 10


I was quite impressed with Marilyn Hanson's performance of that drug song when he played at a festival here in February. I just really dug the 10 metre high flashing sign that just had drugs written in lightbulbs. Quite entertaining but I don't understand the fanaticism...

At that particular festival the best drug experience was discovering Sparklehorse just as I was peaking on a wee trip. I am surprised my brain didn't melt into a warm mass of awed appreciation right on the big top floor. . .

What's that behind you?


Post 11


Drugs are bad smiley - smiley
*nay drugs they are poo, grab them all, flush the loo*

Marilyn Manson is great smiley - smiley
If I was in the position he was in, I'd abuse it to b*****y...and Id act a lot worse - I think everyone would. The drugs thing was just a shock tactic....the more people talk about you - the more money you get smiley - smiley

YAY money!
hrm....i want money, it would be nice.
Summer job watch isn't going too well smiley - sadface

Anyhooby doo....jesus is calling...

Byeeeedy Pooos!

*pink floyd & radiohead are great - but the beatles just make me cut myself up, they are dire*


Post 12


you dont like drugs?? Summer jobs suck arse. But all else in the world is peaches. There is a mexican man sitting behind me, why do you ask? did you want a taco or something?


Post 13


You sound like Ned Flanders Mr Nut.
Anyway if you think drugs are poo, you obviously haven't done the right ones the right way at the right time!!!


Post 14


Ask him if he's got the whole enchilada


Post 15


i heartily agree

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