This is a Journal entry by bobstafford

So What are your plans for Christmas

Post 1


I am looking forward to a warm at home Christmas nice food and drink, seating for possable visitors.
Ready for what ever presents itself, a Christmas day walk round the castle a look round the old town walls take some photos, majic smiley - cheers

So What are your plans for Christmas

Post 2


Well Bob. As you know I'm off to Holland to spend Christmas with my sister and her husband, really looking forward to it.

As last year was the worst one in if my life, and that includes the ones I spent at sea and working offshore!

I booked my flight back in June, so I got a real good bargain!smiley - magic

smiley - cheersSmudger.

So What are your plans for Christmas

Post 3


Hope you have the best of times mate

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