This is a Journal entry by bobstafford
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
ITIWBS Posted Aug 17, 2015
I'd plead time zone difference, except its almost 9:30pm PDT.
I need to work late tonight, just too <> hot to to do it by day, with today's high at 118F/47.7C.
116F/46.6C forecast for tomorrow.
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
Smudger879n Posted Oct 4, 2015
I've had a really quiet day today, too quiet really? This living alone takes a bit of getting used to, especially at my age?
I've had a bit of trouble getting back in here, been locked out for a while now, but thanks to the help from admin. I'm back in now, I really missed not being in here, even though I don't post or write as much as I used to.
I keep telling myself I need to get back to writing again, my sister, who lives in Holland, is always asking me, as we face time every night, ever since I got back in touch with her after a gap of twenty odd years!
My fault, as we disagreed over my divorce, so I never kept in touch, which was wrong really.
How would you react in such a situation like that.
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
bobstafford Posted Oct 4, 2015
In your position don't let go again and bless the luck that you have such a sister. That and don't be a stranger on here, are you off to Holland For Christmas
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
Smudger879n Posted Oct 5, 2015
Aye! Bob, I'm looking forward to spending Christmas with them this year, as last year I was totally depressed, and it was my first one without my wife and soul mate?
I've been keeping myself busy doing up the house, so far I've re painted both bedrooms and am starting in the living room now.
But it's slow going, given my mobility problem?
I was hoping to move back into the main bedroom, once I had changed it, but somehow it doesn't feel the right time yet?
So I'm still sleeping in the computer room?
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
bobstafford Posted Oct 5, 2015
At least you are sleeping and keeping busy, and you do have something nice to look forward to.
Maybe post some of your photos on one of the websites so we can share and comment.
Just take it easy it will come right take up a hobby, yes I know old advice but it works.
Write a book you have one in you the RN service for a start It clears the mind.
Or go on a coach trip holiday the sheer banality of the above will clear the mind and maybe lift the spirit .
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
Smudger879n Posted Oct 6, 2015
Cheers for that Bob, I was thinking about getting back to writing, and this sites newspaper would be a great place to start, as I used to write for them before, they are called Smudger's Snippets.
I quite enjoyed that, and the posts that came back from them, gave me the incentive to keep going.
Im in the process of buying a private reg. plate for my car, .....well it was either that or buy a Jaguar,........ and the plate works our cheaper.
I slept great last night, as I took a pill that does the job fine.
The doctor allowed me 7 a month, that way I get one nights sleep a week.
I don't know what I'm going to do, after I've finished doing up the house? As that is all that us keeping me sane these days.
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
bobstafford Posted Oct 6, 2015
Try panoramio to show your photos.
My site -
See what you think
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
Smudger879n Posted Oct 7, 2015
That cat is the double of one we had when we lived up North, he was too old to take with us when we sold the house, the new owners took him in and he settled with them fine.
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
Smudger879n Posted Oct 8, 2015
The gray and white one, the cat was 14 years old when we left it with the new house owners, his name was Luke.
PS, I've finished painting the house today, now I've got nothing to do?
Quiet time and a reassuring reply
Smudger879n Posted Oct 9, 2015
Ah! You don't want to see photos of painted walls, as that's all I have done really, painted over existing old wall paper?
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Quiet time and a reassuring reply
- 41: ITIWBS (Aug 17, 2015)
- 42: Smudger879n (Oct 4, 2015)
- 43: bobstafford (Oct 4, 2015)
- 44: Smudger879n (Oct 5, 2015)
- 45: bobstafford (Oct 5, 2015)
- 46: Smudger879n (Oct 6, 2015)
- 47: bobstafford (Oct 6, 2015)
- 48: bobstafford (Oct 6, 2015)
- 49: Smudger879n (Oct 7, 2015)
- 50: bobstafford (Oct 7, 2015)
- 51: Smudger879n (Oct 8, 2015)
- 52: bobstafford (Oct 8, 2015)
- 53: Smudger879n (Oct 9, 2015)
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