This is a Journal entry by Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 1

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Hmmm... some of you might remember me last year lamenting my failure to complete my second year at Uni and having to retake the whole year.

Whilst this has not been such a spetacular failure (I am pretty sure I have passed everything, just not very well) I have been forced to seriously re-evalutate my life. And consequently I wanted to post here as a way of just writing my thoughts down.

Three years ago I decided to go back to university after being pretty low for a while. I acutly disliked my job and felt very underpaid, I had no direction and no real idea about what I wanted to do with myself. Then on a fateful night in July I watched "Groundhog Day" and came to the conclusion that my life had effectivly become just like groundhog day.

I decided I needed some focus and direction in my life, and I noted that the only thing at work that gave me any satisfaction was training. I decided to go to uni and then train as a teacher. I realise now that this was slightly clutching at straws, as looking back being a secondary school teacher does not really appeal to me.

So I went back to uni, went part time at work and moved to the evening shift. Now little did I know it but this process was to answer my prayers as it were.

I had been involved with the trade union at work pretty much since I joined. I was on the workplace commitee and I also served (with limited succes it has to be said) as the Political Officer. Shortly after I moved to evenings the decision was taken to massivly expand the shift by recruiting up to 200 people. It was decided that the evening shift would need its own shop steward and I got the job.

And I love being a union rep, I passionatly belive in what I do, I get to help people every day. I get to feel self important and be the centre of attention smiley - winkeye I actually look forward to going to work pretty much every day.

In the meantime I started at University, and started very well. With the enthusiasm of someone throwing themselves into something new and interesting I did really, really well. In semester one I averaged comfortably over 70% (1st mark) in everything and was top of the year in almost all the modules I took. Semester two was not quite the success but I still did very well indeed, getting special commendation from my personal tutor, who started badgering me about my post graduate plans.

The trouble is even by the end of the first year I was rapidly loosing interest. Sure I was still interested in politics and still am, but not so intersted that I wanted to spend 20+ hours a week reading and writing about it. And as my interest in uni declined my interst in my work increased. Dramatically.

Over the first summer holidays I went full time and really enjoyed what I had to do. By the time I came back to uni in september I had basically lost interest.

In addition to this I had some pretty bad personal problems, I was badly in debt (I had not really reckoned on the financial implications of someone living alone in a flat attending uni whilst only working part time). The combination of my personal problems and my lack of interest in uni made me fail the second year. Pretty much completely. The misery at uni and home was in stark contrast to the fact that for the first time I was really enjoying my work.

At this stage another factor had come into play as well, the pay and conditions at my work had substantially improved, my salary had gone up by nearly £4000 a year and I was now able to take 6 weeks a year paid holiday plus bank holidays.

I think I made a really big howler by going back to uni. If the truth be told I *knew* I didn't want to and I wasn't interested but I was basically so afraid of dissapointing my family that I managed to convince myself that going back was what I really wanted, the truth is it wasn't all I had done was saddle myself with loads of debt.

I realise now exactly what I want to do with my life, I want to get fully accredited as a union rep (and equivilant qualification to a national diploma), then either serve as a national elected officer for the TU or get a job working for it. My long term goal is to work for the TUC and be invloved in training reps. Not only is my degree not helping me to do this it is activly getting in the way.

Because of college I could't go on any residential training courses, and I think the branch was a bit reluctant to pay for me anyhow given that I told them I was leaving when I graduated. It meant I couldn't go for any branch level positions I might want to do to improve my standing and gain experince.

I have decided that the best thing for me to do is go with my heart and do what I think is right and not worry about dissapointing others. I am 25 and it is my life, no point in being unhappy, getting another 6 grand of debt and ending up with a lousy third rate degree because I am not interested.

I have made sure I passed the year this time, so at least I have two years worth of credits in case I want to finish the dgree at OU later on, but for now what I want to do with my career.

hmm that feels good.

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 2

A. Honeybadger

Hardly a "two-time loser" Ferret. It took me til I was 37 to figure out what I wanted in terms of career etc., as I had just been drifting from one to another, knowing what I didn't like but not knowing what I did, if you understand what I mean.

I think you should be proud that you have been able to evaluate your experiences over the past year and reach a mature decision.

Best of luck to you. smiley - goodluck

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 3

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Thank you very much. smiley - ta

I am pleased with myself that I didn't just do the chicken thing and not face up to this. Allthough I wish I had shown a bit more moral fibre this time last year.

Every conclusion I have come to realise in the last few months I knew in my heart of hearts this time last year. I just did't have the balls to admit it.

Strangly enough part of the reason I think was my birthday, whilst 25 is not normally considered a landmark of anykind the realisation that I was 1/4 centuary old and prably over 1/3 of the way through my life bought some stuff into perspective.

Namely what is the point in spending loads of time and money doing something you dont want and dont need, and most pertinantly probably wont do?

I am glad I went to uni in the first place as I have found my smiley - erm raison detre (pardon my piss poor french).

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 4

Sho - employed again!

Good for you, not only for recognising that you want to stop, but in stopping in such a way that you can carry on via the OU if you want.

It's so rare to find someone who genuinely loves their work, and can make a difference, that I think you have made a most excellent decision. And you're still so young, you can do what you like.

Oh, and I hope you don't mind me just butting in,but the addition to your name (the brackety bit) piqued my interest.

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 5

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Not at all, I always welcome contributers to my journal smiley - biggrin.

And that is basically the reason why I put it in my brackets. I want to tell people about my decision basically.

ANd I do love what I do, there are parts of it that annoy me (sorting out people pay problems is like doing GCSE maths again smiley - grr) but even then the bottom line is I am helping people out.

Also I get to stick it to authority figures which I just doing. It allows me to use the trouble maker element of my character in a positive way.

One conclusion I have come to is that very few people get to do a job the like doing, most of us work for the money. I have been priviliged enough to get something I like doing a lot that pays me almost enough. I had to question do I want to give that up for more money? If I am going to have to spend 40 years to 40 hours a week wouldn't I prefer to do that in something I like?

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 6

Sho - employed again!

Now you've sorted out Royal Mail,btw, can you lot come over & sort out the Deutsche Post? smiley - winkeye

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 7

badger party tony party green party

Bro what are you talking about.

Changing direction isnt quitting. Look at an aerial shot of the worlds mightiest river does it run in a straight line?

We all have set backs and changes of heart but you have something you want to put your heart, into you're *already* a winner some people do things just to pay the bills or because other people convince them its a good idea.

I just heard that the funding for my post is getting pulled its made me a little nervous but its also a a great opportunity in a way its not about what you havent done in life its about what you fit in. Dont pack your life with things you dont realy want and dont worry about things you dont have because missing out on one thing just makes you hungrier and more determined for the next opportunity.

The upside is that the school wants to offer me other roles more in line with my actual skills and what I like doing. It might only be temporary but even a few months running a Learning Support Centre is going to be great experience and more rewarding than polishing the skills of hig flying kids. Most of all it will be experience relevant to the work Id ultimately like to do.

smiley - rainbow

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 8

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Cheers Bro,

The title is more of a joke than anything. I am pretty happy with my decision, as I know I am doing the right thing.

hope the funding for you position goes well.

BTW I take it everyone is pretty chuffed up your neck of the woods. Seems like robbo had it right all the time eh?

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 9

A. Honeybadger

>> Also I get to stick it to authority figures which I just doing. It allows me to use the trouble maker element of my character in a positive way. <<

smiley - laugh Never would have you pegged as having a "trouble maker element" in your personality. smiley - tongueout

It's good that you'll still have your HE credits though - you're never too old to study again, should you ever get the urge in the future.

I really should have gone to uni 20 years ago smiley - yikes and thought I'd left it a bit late, but I met this lovely old guy last term who is 70 and studying for a Masters in music after taking up study and achieving his BA after retiring at 65!

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 10

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Really?? That is good to hear.

I have not forever forsaken the idea of HE, it is just that there is a lot more I want to do now. And FT education does not fit in anywhere in my plans.

My Father graduated from the OU a couple of years ago, and I see that as a realistic possibility in later life. But only if it is something I *want* to do rather than something I am doing to get somewhere.

Invariably when I am doing something as a means to an end I find it hard to motivate myself to the same degree.

Trouble maker? Moi? smiley - devilsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - rofl

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 11

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


Good luck with your exam next week smiley - goodluck

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 12

A. Honeybadger

smiley - ta Ferrett. I'm studying purely because I want to and didn't have the opportunity when I was younger; I have no idea what I'm going to do afterwards with a degree in Anglo-Saxon / Medieval English and History! smiley - rofl

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 13

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

As my Dad said, if you are oding it because you *want* to then doing it is an end in itself, even if you dont use it.

I think my Dad just wanted to get a degree because he didn't get one when he was my age, good on him! And good on you!

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 14

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

FB, just picked up on this convo via the Smileys one. Just a couple of things that might help.

When you get out of bed in the morning and don't look forward to going to work it's time to change.

I heard on the radio yesterday a quote from either Harold Wilson, who started the OU, or Tony Benn that the school leaving age should be 80. Education is a lifetime thing.

I'm 54 and started a Masters in IT, part time, I have struggled with the final dissertation because I'm doing it via distance learning. I've wrestled with motivation all year and have now decided to quit with a Post Grad Diploma. If I decide to continue I have a platform and the Diploma is a pretty good qualification anyway.

Best of luck with your career, good call.

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 15

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Thanks very much WA.

Like I said I am sure I have made the right decision. And I can always complete the dgree down the line in my own time. Trouble is FT education is getting in the way of what I want to do, and lets face it when you have something you want to do that pays, and something you dont want to do that you have to pay for.

Well there is only one winner really eh?

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 16


Great News FB.

How wonderful to have found something thaqt you are passionate about at such an early age. So you now won't have to split yourself between Uni and work. You can concentrate on what you enjoy and start to eat away at the debt as well.

Well done!

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 17

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Good for you Ferrett!

You'll always have the option of resuming and using the credits that you've accumulated, and you might even get the TUC to pay for further courses in the future.

I know from bitter experience how important the unions are even in 'good employers', and anything that helps train union reps to stand up to management/HR is a good thing, and a noble cause!

Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 18

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Cheers Alex,

It is a new horizon. I am also looking forward to not being skint all of the time as well.


Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 19

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Thanks Otto,

I think I am sometimes a bit of a "Walter Mitty" figure and being a rep fulfils my "hero" desires. Helping people out and that.

Plus as a rep your job is basically talking which is far and away my fave hobbey! smiley - biggrin.

I listen to say my pals who work for Orange and have been blinded by the "Anti-Union" propagander, telling me how good it is without a meddling union.

Then they tell me about having to ask to go to the toilet. smiley - headhurts


Quitting uni again..... two time looser....

Post 20

Sho - employed again!

The only people who say unions aren't needed are those (who think they) don't need them.

Until they do, and then it's too late.

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