This is a Journal entry by Universal Granny
A week off
Universal Granny Started conversation Aug 15, 2003
I am going to be off-line probably until the Tuesday after Bank Holiday as I am on one week's annual leave.
I may pop into work one night and have a quick look at who's about and what messages I might have, but I may not. It goes against the grain really to be on leave and have to go into work!
But if you want to leave me a message it would be lovely to come back to an update on whatever's been going on in your lives - I love chatting to all of you and I will really miss you.
Take care Universal Granny
A week off
smurfles Posted Aug 16, 2003
i hope you have a lovely week,loads of rest and relaxation,with a fair bit of tiny children running around having fun with them thrown in for good measure!!!!will miss you too,but the break has to be good for you.enjoy,,,,,and came back rested.salxxx
A week off
Tefkat Posted Aug 19, 2003
Have a wonderful holiday Ug. Don't forget to rest though.
I'll be away again by the time you come back. See you in September.
A week off
Moving On Posted Aug 23, 2003
Hiya U G
Just a quick note to let you know
a) I'm still alive - in pain, and p======d off, but alive
b) I'm hoping you had a nice restful jolly hollyday sort of trip.
Catch you later!
A week off
Teasswill Posted Aug 23, 2003
Enjoy your week off
Hope to see you lurking in SHADOW again soon - well not too quietly, or we won't see you!
A week off
Tefkat Posted Aug 23, 2003
Hi Witchy . I've been meaning to come and talk to you but life kind of takes over when the kids are on holiday doesn't it?
Got a shock today when we were out. Looked up and saw a sign on a builing across the road that said "Belvedere Working Men's Club". Thought I'd slipped into some sort of timewarp, or was hallucinating in advance of the meds
They've given me a date for the neck stretching and bolting. Have to go in on 4th for pre stuff and then on 9th for the real thing (Yeah yeah, gimme da coke ). AND they've organised an ambulance to take me
Hoppy days are here again
AND I've lost a stone
(Here's summat for the pain )
A week off
Moving On Posted Aug 24, 2003
Thanks for the Tef, but I'll stick to the whiskey - products make me
as anything - milk allery!
PS Yes, I KNOW you've lost a stone - I have it here.
Ye Gods! TWO belvedere working mens clubs....eugh! what a horrible thought! It was interesting enough avoiding the one....
A week off
Universal Granny Posted Aug 25, 2003
Hi Witchone!
1) I am extremely glad you are alive but really sorry you are in pain.
2) Thank you. I didn't do much tripping sort of thing - more clearing out stacks of out of the garden and off to the dump and tidying up after the re-wiring.
Will chat more on the other thread.
Take care Universal Granny
A week off
smurfles Posted Aug 26, 2003
helo there granny,nice to see you back online,even though it must mean that youre back at work.i hope you had a god break,at least it isnt rush everything cos you have to go to work,that can be a relief in itself.i'll look forward to chatting soon.take care,n
s salxxx
Key: Complain about this post
A week off
- 1: Universal Granny (Aug 15, 2003)
- 2: McKay The Disorganised (Aug 16, 2003)
- 3: smurfles (Aug 16, 2003)
- 4: daraline, keeper of unusual rats and deranged hamsters (Aug 18, 2003)
- 5: Tefkat (Aug 19, 2003)
- 6: Moving On (Aug 23, 2003)
- 7: Teasswill (Aug 23, 2003)
- 8: Tefkat (Aug 23, 2003)
- 9: Moving On (Aug 24, 2003)
- 10: Universal Granny (Aug 25, 2003)
- 11: smurfles (Aug 26, 2003)
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