This is a Journal entry by Moving On

There seems...

Post 21

Moving On

'Twould be a far better setting than The (ruddy) Marlowesmiley - rolleyes

I've still not forgiven them for cancelling the last performance of Rocky Horror - the one I was going to, naturallysmiley - steam

600 of us all dressed up with only a couple of pubs who'd let us in, and no-one in the management would take irate men in stockings and basques seriously when they complained.

A complete fiasco it was. The words Pigs ear'ole comes to mind.

Especially as another H2 researcher had commuted all the way from Stevenage to Kent to come with me to the show. It was still a nice weekend,but I felt so cross/guilty she'd had to spend out so much on petrol for the sake of an ordinary weekend away, rather than the more action packed fun one she thought she was going to have.

There seems...

Post 22

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

That's a bummer! I've still yet to see a live Rocky Horror event, something that must be addressed at some point.

This keyboard' still stickinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng.

There seems...

Post 23

Moving On

Oddly enough, I don't have the letter N on my keypad any more - it's seems to have worn offsmiley - erm

Never been to a live Rocky Horror eventsmiley - yikes That really surprises me.

I regret to admit I'm old enough to have present at the original show, up in the Kings Road - Tim Curry played Frank N Furter, and he's a tall man, even without his heels. I strayed backstage before the show (I was searching for the ladies at the time - honestly) and spoke face to naval with him.

It was a very weird experience. I was running a temperature of something silly, and really shouldn't have gone out, but I did, and everything was far more surreal than the normal surreality of yer average Rocky Horror.

I wouldn't have missed it for the world thoughsmiley - biggrin

There seems...

Post 24

McKay The Disorganised

I've just come to talk about your bottom.

Do it your own way Evadne - If you want to submit an entry in plain language then do so - just because some of us fancy-dan's use GuideML doesn't mean you have to.

And I'm always sweetness and light in PR - providing you agree with me.

smiley - cider

There seems...

Post 25

Moving On

Hiya McKaysmiley - smiley

Just as long as you don't think I'm talking out of said bottom, you're welcomesmiley - winkeye

I think, once I've decided on another subject something that I know about and hasn't already been covered, that is, I probably will go my own sweet way and submit in plain English.

I'd still like to have a bash as this ruddy HTML though, because I've got an old fashioned notion that if I wrote it, I ought to be able to proof read it, make alterations as needed and organise the presentation - and thats still a part of the Guide where all the suggestions of bullet points, markers, headers and packed lunches leave me reeling. In short, I want to be as independent as possible, for myself.

Its great that there *are folk around who are willing to edit, rearrange and generally get it sorted...but... I dunno; whenever I put up work to get published over in Mayo, it was a case of having a face to face meeting with whatever editor you were working with, taking on board the comments, retyping, re-handing in and so on - it was my creation from start to finish - I never needed to trouble anyone else to do anything for me, as such.

I'm watching the Bottom-y one go thru Peer Review and I'm beginning to realise people are willing to add a word, alter a sentence, etc+ - being "helped" like this is fairly alien to me generally, and it feels...smiley - erm a bit odd somehow.

Nice, but odd.

There seems...

Post 26

McKay The Disorganised

Nice, but odd.

Why Thank you.

smiley - cider

(You were talking about me weren't you ?)

There seems...

Post 27

Moving On

I was talking *to you, McKay.smiley - laugh

But if you want to wear the Nice but Odd label, please feel free. Pussycat.

There's worse things to be known by, after all
smiley - winkeye

smiley - biggrin

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