This is a Journal entry by Laura

Exam result mix-up

Post 1


Some people already know but today I was meant to get my exam results. However, I didn't smiley - grr

My personal tutor has left (though no one bothered to tell me). smiley - steam I have my first personal tutor back, but the university system still has me registered with the tutor who is no longer there.

My new tutor tried to sort this out, but couldn't as the more seniour people were stuck in a meeting on a campus 11 miles away. Consequently, as according to the system she isn't my tutor, she couldn't access my results for me.

I have to wait until the transcripts are released and the complications are ironed out before I know what my results are, although my coursemates (and indeed housemates) all have theirs.

There's no one to complain to, as my school no longer exists and though we've meant to have moved schools, the other one's on that campus 11 miles away and the course hasn't officially moved there yet. Just to add to it, the old head of school is retiring. smiley - doh

So bascially, I went out to get my exam results and just came back with a mess. smiley - sadface However, there's nothing I can do until Monday, so I've got to stop worrying about it. Naturally though my friends and family keep asking me how it all went, so it's very hard to forget about it.


Exam result mix-up

Post 2

Researcher 185550

smiley - hugsmiley - ale

Bad luck. Pity it forestalls the GOOD news.

Exam result mix-up

Post 3

arwen, doing nasty essays. being a student should *not* involve work!

thats not good smiley - sadface. what exams were they? hope you get the results soon smiley - smiley

Exam result mix-up

Post 4


January exams, for the end of semester 3, the first lot to count towards to my degree. I wouldn't mind too much but it's yet another problem and this has been going on since September. Several lecturers have got fed up and have left, so I'm getting a little worried about next year.

Exam result mix-up

Post 5


Hope you get it sorted smiley - hug
take care

Exam result mix-up

Post 6


Thanks, I hope so. smiley - smiley At least this semester there isn't a timetable clash between compulsary modules, which is an up on last semester. smiley - biggrin

Exam result mix-up

Post 7


Poor Unc! What a c**k up!

I'd like to be shocked and surprised by this, but I work in a college and witness the beaurocracy of the public sector daily. Frankly, I'm amazed that anybody ever gets the right information.smiley - erm

How long will you have to wait to get your results?


Exam result mix-up

Post 8


It's been going on since the school was taken over, though we only found out about that by turning up for the introductory talk and then seeing that environmental science wasn't on the list of subjects being offered by the school. My summer exam results were three weeks late, though that was the same for all environmental science students.

I don't know when I'll get them, but I expect it won't take very long as my personal tutor is very good.

Exam result mix-up

Post 9


Aaargh, that's bad news! My sympathies, though that won't help sort out the bureaucratic tangles.

Speaking of exam mix-ups, a friend of mine in Swansea was rather bemused recently when he sat down to an exam only to find he'd been given the answer paper (as in the one with the lecturer's model answers in). Not surprisingly the exam had to be abandoned and he'll have to do it agin in the summer.

By the way, I loved your story about the flooded bus! Great stuff

Exam result mix-up

Post 10


smiley - yikes now that isn't at all good.

Poor bus. smiley - laugh I wonder what happened to it.

Exam result mix-up

Post 11


smiley - hug I hope it's all sorted out soon.

Lizzbet - There is 'information' actually out there in college's? Has the management finally been removed?

*from one who is the only member of staff in a college library, who is never told anything at a time when infromation might actually be useful.*

Exam result mix-up

Post 12


Oh, the information is there alright, you just might have to speak to 97 different people in order to get it!smiley - biggrin


Exam result mix-up

Post 13

arwen, doing nasty essays. being a student should *not* involve work!

and then you get 97 different answers!

Exam result mix-up

Post 14


And of the 97 different answers you get about 68% are actually corrcet, but just being explained in Swahilie. smiley - laugh

Exam result mix-up

Post 15


smiley - headhurts

Yep, that's life in the public sector.

Exam result mix-up

Post 16

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}

It reminds me of my GCSE Latin result: I'd had to miss one of the papers because I'd got a stomach bug. When I got my statement of results I'd been given a #E in other words, the papers I had sat had got graded E, which, when you've been predicted A, is surprising to say the least. OCR had taken the mark but despite the results saying they had, they had not taken my mark in relation to what I had sat, but in relation to the whole thing. Fortunately our overworked exams officer had seen the problem and faxed OCR first thing that morning so I got an altered stament that said I had in fact got an A.

Exam result mix-up

Post 17


smiley - yikes well at least you got your A. smiley - biggrin

I now have a personal tutor again, still no results, but I've made an appointment to get them tomorrow lunch time.

There was an email asking for translators of Swahilie, so maybe that has something to do with it. smiley - laugh

Exam result mix-up

Post 18

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

good luck Unc

smiley - cheers

smiley - hug

Exam result mix-up

Post 19


My grades are actually up. smiley - magic

smiley - cheers

Exam result mix-up

Post 20


smiley - bubbly Finally!!!!

communications have been restored then?

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