This is a Journal entry by Laura

Last exam finished..

Post 101


Night Helly smiley - star

Very few people reply to their ACEs however, which is quite sad. smiley - sadface In fact, I think only 4 people ever replied to me, though I've seen others around the site.. Oh well. It's nice when they do reply anyway. smiley - smiley

Last exam finished..

Post 102


smiley - yikesAhhhh, that's scary Unc! That tag's got a lot to answer for! And I had noticed the forumintro, I just didn't realise it had a coloured background and scrolled.

What I meant to say, before getting distracted, is that I replied to both my ACEs' greetings, though we don't talk now. I imagine a significant number of people you greet leave the building within days of signing up, so don't really talk to anyone anyway.

And yes, Internet Explorer is pretty ubiquitous these days. It's a shame, because.... Ah heck, I won't start. I'm just a old fuddy-duddy smiley - geek wih a vague prejudice against all things Microsoft.

Last exam finished..

Post 103

airscotia-back by popular demand

Dear Mrs.Unc.
Thank you for your greeting to this site,i found your explanation both witty and informative.It's so nice to see in this day and age that young people still have the ability to be helpful and polite.
Yours Sincerely,

Edna Twitch(84).

(now you've got 5 replyssmiley - biggrin )

Last exam finished..

Post 104

Miss quixotic

its also nice to see someone 'older' who uses the internet so well and appreciated young people who make the effort to be polite and welcoming smiley - smiley

Last exam finished..

Post 105

airscotia-back by popular demand

I also think it nice that someone of advanced age, can appreciate old people being polite to young people who were originally polite to an older personsmiley - magic.Bravo

Last exam finished..

Post 106

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

smiley - erm Hi! I just started using a computer Jan.last,so I`m far from be-ing an Ace-let alone understanding how computers work.But,if it`s smiley - ok I`d like to lurk,now & again,to try to vicariously absorbe some knowledge~ thanks~

Last exam finished..

Post 107

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - okLurk away with impunity,but you'll be hard pushed to learn anything of any worth from mesmiley - laugh

Last exam finished..

Post 108

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

smiley - ta,anythings better than my boyfriend,who claims superior knowledge,yet still can`t burn a CD! Actually,my 'eyes' friends are great at talking me thru things(now know how to cut & paste!)& I`ve,in turn,found myself explaning things to others-it`s not easy to teach!!)

Last exam finished..

Post 109


I like the tag smiley - smiley. Yes, a lot of them disappear never to be seen again. It takes some time to write them their message though, have to read through their page, conversations and possibly journal entries first in order to personalise it. Consequently it's a little disappointing when they stick with the site but never reply.

Back from Portugal then air, and did a good job with bringing back the sinshine as well smiley - biggrin

Feel free to lurk away smiley - magic. I'm going ito the big sister house tomorrow, but if there's anything I can help with fire away. There's a nice comy chair in the corner somewhere. Might as well put your feet up while you lurk. smiley - smiley

Last exam finished..

Post 110

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

hey Unc

Made top poster yay, don't know if still up there,but was when I got up this morning

so sad

smiley - biggrin

Last exam finished..

Post 111


Yay Helly! smiley - bubbly

It's 30 degrees C here. I wilt in heat. Far too hot.

Last exam finished..

Post 112

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

ah just another cool summer day.......

winter has arrived here now, with most nights going down to around 10, and most days getting to about 25

won't bee on for long now got to ring hubby, and may go over to a mates place tonight for a few smiley - ale

so if I don't talk to you before BS house
good luck, got my vote for four days.....
smiley - biggrin

Last exam finished..

Post 113


In which case..

to get the formum thread intro, the tags are and, of course, and HAVE to be added between the and tags or they will not work.

the tag that appears when people are composing messages is and again must be placed between the and tags

Thanks smiley - cheers

Last exam finished..

Post 114


As I won't be able to post this later...

... if you want to be an ACE Helly you need to apply around now or you'll miss the June recruitment. smiley - smiley

Last exam finished..

Post 115

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

will do
Thanks or would have missed it

Last exam finished..

Post 116

Miss quixotic

hummmm intelligence through osmossis, huh, i like it!

Last exam finished..

Post 117

Miss quixotic

ps how do you apply to be an Ace?

Last exam finished..

Post 118


you need to go to the Aces homepage and start a convo saying you wish to apply.

Last exam finished..

Post 119

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

smiley - ta,I`m curled up in the comfy chair,by the fireplace,w/a ++ reading light,the better to read with...I smiley - loveed Portugual,although I thought I was stretching my Spanish to be understood there.The coastlines much like the coastline around the Monterey Peninsula,where I currantly live.Spain was HOT,& I do wilt in heat,above 90o/o F.,I get smiley - cross,thensmiley - yuk;I break out in a horrid rash at the same time-quelle bonne!(sp).I`m a lot more smiley - smiley lurking than talking,if I don`t know anyone~& I only know unconformity-ace at this point.smiley - taagain,LNsmiley - bigeyes

Last exam finished..

Post 120

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hi lady
I'm Helly

I'll talk to you
pop over to my page to know more about me
come on into the addicts bar and lots of people will talk to yousmiley - biggrin
use the link off my page...........

smiley - cheers

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