This is a Journal entry by Laura

Last exam finished..

Post 61

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

smiley - erm Hi! I don`t stray from the 'eyes'threads much(ok,they`re a few others..but I dont want to bore you)but,well,I saw unconformity & had to investigate.Not that unconformity hasn`t been a life-style-nay,a goal of mine...

Last exam finished..

Post 62


Unconformity, you're on the Front Page - or your journal is, anyway. Third busiest conversation apparently!

Must be a slow day smiley - winkeye

smiley - bubbly

Last exam finished..

Post 63

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

It just shows how popular Uncomformity is and I am not surprised she is popular smiley - biggrin

Last exam finished..

Post 64


What happened? What did I miss? This threads a bit longer than when I left it.. smiley - erm Looks like I've got some reading to do..smiley - run

Last exam finished..

Post 65


'Unconformity' is actually a break in deposition due to a period of uplift and erosion. I was revising unconformities when I joined, so used it as a user name to remind me what I was meant to be doing... Bit of a boring story, and far less interesting than the alternative, but never mind. smiley - erm

Third busiest convo? smiley - yikes Must have been quiet.

..or the boredom of other researchers..smiley - laugh

The first train was 22 minutes late... You can imagine what that did to my connections. smiley - sadface Certainly ook a long time to get back..smiley - groan

Last exam finished..

Post 66

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hey Unc
glad you made it back

Last exam finished..

Post 67


Made it eventualy... No one here though smiley - laugh
My brother's off paint balling and the rest of my family's in Gloucestershire.

Last exam finished..

Post 68

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate


all on my onesome this weekend, Hubby gone to see best mate in Maryborough, don't like best mate's missus, so decided to stay home,
give me a chance to watch videos Grey doesn't like smiley - biggrin

Expect I will be big poster this weekend then smiley - laugh

Last exam finished..

Post 69


Yep, now's your chance to make top poster and watch all those videos. smiley - biggrin I left mine back at uni but there're plenty here to watch. smiley - smiley

Last exam finished..

Post 70

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!

smiley - laugh

If only I was alone - have all of family, hairdresser and her kid, and auntie, two cousins (4 and 2), and a dog..

Oh and my smiley - fish

and five folders of revision...

But H2G2 is my saviour smiley - ta!

Last exam finished..

Post 71

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

It is such a sad goal to be top poster smiley - biggrin

got some good bribes coming in now........smiley - laugh

will end up with the best ever personal space at the rate I am going

Last exam finished..

Post 72


There are many smiley - hsif, but that's it.

smiley - laugh People are offering you tags for your page then? I could make a field for Hugo (think name's right) to bounce on...

Last exam finished..

Post 73

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

thats sounds good, a nice light green feild for him would be smiley - cool
smiley - ta puts you at 2 and 1/2
will go and up date other thread
won't tell them what you did.......

Last exam finished..

Post 74


smiley - laugh

Still way behind Creachy

Last exam finished..

Post 75

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

but not by much and he is not around at the moment !!!
he only got so far a head with a typo smiley - laugh
once posted couldn't take back smiley - wah
one more gesture, my queen, and you may be ahaed tooo
smiley - laugh

got to milk this for all it is worth, as may never get the chance again.........smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Last exam finished..

Post 76


smiley - laugh
I could tell you where you're meant to put the tag in order for it to work... and even show you how to use the tag that appears when people are wrting messages for your space..smiley - biggrin

...and then there's always the cheats that let you see how other people have written their GML (but I might of told you that one already smiley - laugh)

Last exam finished..

Post 77

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

know about testuser, but do want the other one

congrats smiley - bubbly
you have now taken the lead.........

won't put in place yet though, let the others sweat a little smiley - laugh
score now stand
Unc 6
creachy 5
JG 2 and 1/2
Opt 1 and 1/2

Last exam finished..

Post 78

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

sereph 2

Last exam finished..

Post 79


smiley - laugh

Haven't even got in the house yet, but then we can't easily bribe when we're inmates..smiley - sadface

Last exam finished..

Post 80

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

think people are just beginning to realise what they are getting into
it will be interesting to just lurk
kind of voyeristic

told listey might do week beginning 16th,as thats when I'm on night shift and will bring my time in line with england
but is also first week of learning to be operator, so may not have time or energy
although I have worked at this mill for the last 3 years, haven't had alot of involvement with this particular stage, so don't know how I will cope
Pressure also comes from being first woman to do this, alot of people are hoping I will fail, so have to be twice as good to be as half as accepted smiley - sadface, but knew thos before going in

I will survive smiley - biggrin

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