This is a Journal entry by RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

The Iraqi Threat

Post 1

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

One of the most difficult things to understand about Bush's pretext for warring on Iraq is the notion that Saddam has "weapons of mass destruction." If this is really true, then Bush's policy is the one most likely to provoke the use of such weapons against American military personnel or civilians.

Consequently, if Bush has any expectation at all of avoiding such a catastrophy, he must be trusting that Saddam won't risk subjecting his own people to American retaliation by actually using his "weapons of mass destruction". That's a very strange expectation for Bush to have given how he's villified Saddam.

Of course, it's also possible that Bush just doesn't give a damn about the American people or the military. For him they might be only tools to advance his personal agenda, much in the same way as Hitler exploited the German people and military.

The Iraqi Threat

Post 2

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

Now, now. Bush is nothing like Hitler. Hitler was an actual combat veteran and was wounded by chemical weapons in WWI. He at least knew what he was sending his tropops into when he declared war. And I think inspired a certain amount of repect due to that.
Bush of the other hand went AWOL from a national guard unit. That is pathetic in more ways than I can dignify. So please do not use those men as a source of comparison again. It is unfair to contrast a warhero, albeit a nutty and terrifying one, with a coward who would send others off to do what he never would.

The Iraqi Threat

Post 3

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

Whether a skunk fights or runs, he smells just as bad.

The Iraqi Threat

Post 4

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

I'm just saying that Bush can't hold a candle to any of your great historical villains. He's just a bad rerun of his fathers administration.

The Iraqi Threat

Post 5

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

Well, bad reruns are what the audience expects. The proto-bushes had to be more creative maybe? Or maybe they were just trying to copy somebody proto to them?

The Iraqi Threat

Post 6


In case you will take action may I suggest the following course for your consideration:

The Bush White House has an "opinion" line for you to call which is open from 9-5 EST, Monday thru Friday.

Just call the White House at 202-456-1111.

A machine will detain you only for a moment and then a live operator will thank you for saying, "I oppose" or "I approve."

Bush has said that he wants to know what the American people are
thinking. Take him at his word and _let him know!

The Iraqi Threat

Post 7

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

I already have let him know at least weekly but thanks for publicizing it. You maybe should do it at RCO too, Kyaa. It still gets plenty of lurkers I'm told who might be pursuaded to do something besides sitting on their hands.

The Iraqi Threat

Post 8


I'll do as you suggested.

It's a good place too, just very vacant of late.

Now that I am not your uncle am I your friend?

The Iraqi Threat

Post 9

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

You are whatever you want to be, Kyaa. If you acknowledge me as your niece it would be bad manners not to call you Uncle wouldn't it? Of course, I would have to know something about your family then wouldn't I? So I'd know what to expect and what was expected of me.

On the otherhand, if you just want to be friends, then it's not so complicated probably. Although I still probably wouldn't understand you very well, but that's probably something I'll have to work through sooner or later.

The Iraqi Threat

Post 10

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

Ahh family, you guys are lucky, the only time I talk to most of my relatives is funerals, or when someone needs to be bailed out of jail. So are you blood related or is this a spiritual relation? Or should I just shut up and stay out of it?

The Iraqi Threat

Post 11

RAF Wing... Lookee I'm Invisible!!

We're not related except through Ocean Woman or Changing Woman. Something like that probably, children of the earth, just like you, Nelson.

Our word for ourselves means someone who speaks my language. Kyaa doesn't and I don't speak his, but somehow we seem to communicate once in awhile. He knows a great deal about things I think.

The Iraqi Threat

Post 12


Analiese is free to say whatever she likes; related, well, not in the context of a greco-roman based intellectual terrain expressed in a german derivitive language.

My relatives are so scattered I can only hear them on the wind or the water rushing in the shower or in a flash triggered by an unexpected cue ...

I've bailed them out of jail, I've helped them get off the street, I've helped them when the cash flow gets constrained, I've gone a long distance just so I can be present ...


The Iraqi Threat

Post 13

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

? if you can help with cash, you just let me know. I'll be your family for a price anytime. Although I'm pretty confident I'm not going into the streeet anytime soon. The wife won't permit it.

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